
SolitaryMarmot t1_ja0iad7 wrote

The (since defeated) Brooklyn DA chose to bring criminal charges against a man for refusing to accept the mediated outcome of the Bes Din (and not getting permission from the rabbi to testify in a secular court.) And the second article is generally about the unconstitutional disaster that is the Get laws in NY...specifically a case where a (now former) state Supreme Court Judge actually took away custody of a woman's children on the basis that she violated her religious marriage contract to remain a member of the orthodox community. Like that is shocking stuff that would have Americans who believe in the first amendment absolutely furious when that happens in Detroit. Everyone has the right to private arbitration, even if it's through a church, but to be prosecuted or lose child custody for opting out of religious based arbitration is unconstitutional.

The relationship between the shomrim and the secular authorities is far messier than it is with any other vigilante group. To pretend otherwise is borderline willfull ignorance. They various shomrim have HUGE influence over the Borough Park precinct to the point where they often assault and kidnap 'suspects' with impunity. But the Brooklyn DAs office isn't as cozy with the Orthodox communities as it used to be. And not everyone in New York is going to genuflect to that voting block. A lot of the confusion is a mess by design. They demand autonomy and freedom from prosecution when it suits them but lashes out when it doesn't. It's a lot of lying down in a bed already made. The demand that the NYPD needs a 100% clearance rate on anti Hasidic hate crimes while simultaneously demanding the NYPD look the other way as shomrim commit hate crimes in the end makes community relations worse


SolitaryMarmot t1_j9zlk1s wrote

The Guardian Angels don't maintain their own court and law enforcement agencies that are deferred to by secular governmental authority nor do they require secular courts to interpret religious contracts as law.



This shouldn't happen but it routinely does.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j9yeuvi wrote

I think one of the problems is Hasidic communities fought for the extremist equivalent of sharia law in NYC. They have their own police entities, their own courts. They've achieved full separatism and the NYPD and District Attorneys office isn't much interested in doing tons of casework where their personnel is being pushed to the backseat constantly and certain offenders are protected. Full autonomy is double edged sword for sure.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j9ye5xw wrote

Chicago was one of the safest cities in the nation when they had strict gun control laws. They were targeted for litigation by the NRA in the early 2010s. They eventually brought their new, looser gun laws on line by 2013. We all saw what happened. I always chuckle when Guntards bring up Chicago. It's a prime example of what the NRA spent millions of member dollars trying to make happen.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j8xn7zh wrote

What the hell does immigration status have to do with an insurance claim? Wut? Lol

The cops aren't going to ask for a valid visa for any type of accident. You don't have to have a valid visa to get a drivers license even for a car in NYC.

But the cops aren't even going to come for a bike accident unless someone is very hurt or there's more than $500 worth of damage. They wont even come for a car accident with minor damage. The only time your immigration status may matter is if you are charged with a crime after an crash which happens very rarely. Is it possible there has been a case where an undocumented delivery guy was working shit faced drunk and ran over another delivery guy and killed them? I guess it's possible but it's never happened. At least not to my knowledge.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j8xc5lg wrote

I've never seen any evidence that these types of accidents are under reported. And I can't imagine why they would be underreported if someone has damages that are more than an insurance deductible. If there are accidents unreported they are probably like the minor ones where cars strike pedestrians but there are no damages.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j8x1x80 wrote

I looked for instances of delivery guys killing pedestrians or drivers and didn't see any in a brief news search.
NYC has 2020 stats up for cyclist on pedestrian injuries and fatalites. There were 320 pedestrian injuries and 55 cyclist injuries. There were no pedestrian fatalities and 1 cyclist fatality. In context there were 6495 pedestrian injuries by cars and 95 fatalites. There were 5175 cyclist injuries by cars and 24 cyclist fatalities.

Being against bike parking as a safety measure while not simultaneously not demanding the streets be shut down to car parking seems either disineguious or irrational to me.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j7vrwu1 wrote

I fucking love those bathrooms so much. I went to see the Brahms German Requiem like in Feb 2020, it was my last concert before the world went to shit (because even I was too scared to go to the Allman Bros thing at MSG I had tickets for like March 11th or something.) Anyway during early lock down I tried to write a whole requiem for gendered bathrooms being both inspired by what I thought was the last concert I will ever see and being stoned all the time. It ended up more of a power chord punk song.

BUT you should totally come to Forest Hills Stadium this summer if you haven't yet because it's the only other venue I know with non gendered bathrooms. Yes there is a urinal bank...but it's not gendered. Bring your she wee if you want. And all the stalls are unisex. That shit moves sooooo fast and its very reminiscent of the home I grew up in.

Thank you for brightening my day by mentioning the non gendered bathrooms.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j60opjv wrote

If one candidate came from corporate accounting, finance or insurance (I actually don't know where he came from but I'm assuming its corporate from the article) to the city 5 years ago and is a fellow and another guy has been working with CalPERS independent actuary for many years as an associate...NYC is gonna pick the CalPERS guy every time. Every one wants to point and laugh and yell 'they suck' at every decision CalPERS makes. Yet everyone wants to be CalPERS.