
SolitaryMarmot t1_j5r786d wrote

I think it's just 4 points from the total, so you can use it to drop out of suspension? You have to take it from an approved vendor though most of them are online and only cost like $25,by%20up%20to%20four%20points.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j5r5lvm wrote

Zero or close to zero. Particularly if it was a camera ticket. If you take a defensive driving class you can remove points from your license after the fact. They won't plead down to A non moving violation in NYC


SolitaryMarmot t1_j56lflq wrote

Pre rolls exist so you don't have to whip out a nug at your desk at work and grid it up and roll it before you head to a show. It's the same reason the McDonald's corporation is a thing. Thousands of people eat there every day no matter how many internet weirdos post about how it's "corporate poison." Let people do what they want. I go to the store I like and buy the half gram I want and I smoke it and do my thing and have never had a problem. Thousands of people do the same every day. I'm sorry "your sources" are big mad about their market share dwindling but that isn't really my problem.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j56ar01 wrote

It's not really a great business model to try to make your customers sick. I'm assuming these people are paying high rents and payroll so they can try to make money. They are all buying from the same major suppliers in Colorado and NoCal. Like all retailers - they do have Quality Control people.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j4wm984 wrote

Coalition for the Homeless publishes an annual survey. Eviction is typically the number one cause with overcrowding in a current housing situation being 2nd. Domestic violence was also a big one, particularly for unhoused children. I haven't read the most recent survey, but it doesn't change that much year to year I don't think.