Soyoulikedonutseh t1_jcwsf21 wrote
Reply to TIL no one has found a larva of the titan beetle, one of the largest beetles in the world. by Gecko99
This in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no larva, and that titan beetles just spring out of holes in the ground!
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_jacdrpz wrote
Reply to TIL On Christmas Eve 1969, Francisco Macias Nguema had 186 suspected dissidents executed in the national football stadium in Malabo with the executioners dressed as Santa Claus, with the amplifiers played Mary Hopkin's song "Those Were the Days". by Osrever101
When I have children, I'll show them this. But tell them it was the real Santa and those murdered were just on the naughty list.
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_j9ovudz wrote
Reply to TIL that in 1554 Elizabeth Crofts hid in a wall on Aldersgate Street, where she pretended to be a heavenly voice. Reputedly 17,000 people came to listen to her give out anti-Catholic propaganda. by Kurma-the-Turtle
Is it really propaganda if it's speaking out against propaganda?
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_j9fch8n wrote
Reply to TIL Terry Bradshaw, former NFL quarterback, suffered from post-game anxiety attacks and “frequent crying” by Mysterious_Diver_606
Numerous micro concussions per game wouldn't help either
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_j6hs9u6 wrote
I don't know if you consider Taratino's works as dark comdies But he does and I sure do to, some scenes get me laughing so hard
Hollywood, Basterds, Django and Pulp have some of the best comedic bits
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_iu8ynvp wrote
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_iu8msy8 wrote
Reply to TIL that antimatter is made with antiprotons, which are the opposite of protons, with a negative charge, antineutrons with a neutral charge and positrons, which are the opposite of electrons, with a positive charge. by Doomguy2021
I've never heard this before? Is this just a theory?
Last time I checked, they don't really know what antimatter is. Infact, the term antimatter is miss leading because frankly, they don't even know if it's matter
Soyoulikedonutseh t1_jcx4dk2 wrote
Reply to Movies where the protagonist is trapped in a location and theres a monster trying to get them? by CertainBluebird3
From memory there is a horror film I've watched that is entirely set in an elevator? 'The Devil' or something like that, 2009 or 2010
As for a great film, you've got Tarantinos Hateful 8