
Sparrow2go t1_j7w4ba2 wrote

I think you and others are missing my point here.

I’m genuinely glad OP found joy in this. We all need more moments of that in our lives right now.

My point is that for a sub called uplifting News, the expectation is that just about anybody who isn’t a sociopath should be able to read the title and feel that same joy. The fact that OP had to explain in detail how this connected to their life and how that brought them joy, something that is specific to their lived experience, means this is simply in the wrong sub.

I read the title and thought “ok, a company is making money selling a product”. Like it isn’t even really news is it? It’s just a focus piece on how this company is profiting off of pandemic effects and some musicians. Which again, that’s fine, but it isn’t uplifting news. An infinite number of posts could be made for every company that makes anything that anybody has any positive connection to or memory of. Seriously. We can each find some obscure product tied to a warm and fuzzy memory and make a post about it couldn’t we? That’s just life.

Post like this just water down these subs.


Sparrow2go t1_j7m0gxu wrote

People needing to wash clothes by hand is bad.

Amazon is bad.

Neither of these are relevant to the conversation here though.

This isn’t a company providing some altruistic service for the sake of the poor, they are filling a void in the market to turn a profit that happens to help a portion of their customer base. It isn’t evil, people need to make a living, but it doesn’t fall under uplifting news.


Sparrow2go t1_j7lp80k wrote

Ok, but that’s an incredibly granular and personal reason to post it here. “Petting kittens found to cure AIDS” is uplifting news because anybody reading it would see the positive angle. It’s cool that this gives you a good feeling but it doesn’t really fit the sub.

I don’t think calling washboards a happy relic from the past is very accurate. It’s a labor intensive tool.