
Sphere343 t1_j92y4se wrote

Reply to comment by gwern in [D] Please stop by [deleted]

A AI can literally theoretically change from being not sentient to being so if it gains enough information in a certain way. As for the specific way? No clue cause it hasn’t been found yet. But in data gathering and self improvement a AI could become sentient if the creators didn’t but some limits or if the creators programmed the self improvement in a certain way.

Would it truly be sentient? Unknown. But what is for certain is even if the AI isn’t sentient but has gained enough information to respond in any circumstance it will seem as if it is. Except for the true creative skills of course. Kinda have to be truly sentient to create brand new detailed ideas and stuff.


Sphere343 t1_j92woql wrote

Reply to comment by Username912773 in [D] Please stop by [deleted]

Yes indeed that’s what it seems a lot of these people seem to think. But the thing is AI being self aware of sentient isn’t that bad of a thing as long as it is done correctly it is really good which is contrary to all that. As first off a AI just being created and being sentient is literally just like suddenly having a baby, you need to raise it right. For a Ai you need to give it as unbiased information as possible, make it clear about what is right and wrong and don’t give the AI a reason to hate you (abuse it, try to kill it) the AI may turn out good just like any other human or turn bad just like many others.

And the best way to make a sentient Ai with out all these problems? Base it on the human brain. Create emotional circuits and functions for each individual emotion and so on. The tech and knowledge for all this stuff isn’t here of course so we can’t do this currently. However in the future the best way to really realistically create a sentient AI is to find a way to digitize the human brain. It’s possible given our brain works as a organic “programming” of sorts with all the Neutron networks and everything.

Major Taboo of AI is don’t do stupid stuff. Don’t give unreasonable commands that can make it do weird things like saying do something by any means. Don’t feed the AI garbage information. And most certainly don’t antagonize a sentient AI. Also i believe personally a requirement for AI is to be allowed to be created and be sentient is to basically show that the AI would have emotions circuits and as such can train the AI in what is good and bad.

If a AI doesn’t have any programming to tell a right from a wrong naturally a Sentient AI would be dangerous. Which I think is the main important problem. Kinda rambled but anyways yeah they indeed should be created but more when we have the knowledge I mentioned.