
Spider_J t1_j91dyol wrote

So, putting your question aside for a second, the question I have for you is: What do you intend to do with that information if you find out that she does?

Also, just because somebody does not have a permit does not mean they do not have a gun illegally. You could be putting yourself at a false sense of security.


Spider_J t1_iz0364h wrote

Reply to comment by wherehaveubeen in Homesteaders by megapeptobismol

/r/homestead is run by Paul Wheaton, a literal fucking cult leader who uses slave labor on his property. This is just one of many, many accounts of his behavior you can find online. There used to be an entire subreddit devoted to keeping tabs on his behavior over at r/PaulWheatonWatch. I will not tag him because he is known for brigading (his original account, u/PaulWheaton12, was banned for brigading and harassment), and he's also known for having a ton of sock puppet accounts.

Visit that subreddit at your own risk.