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Spider_J t1_j91dyol wrote

So, putting your question aside for a second, the question I have for you is: What do you intend to do with that information if you find out that she does?

Also, just because somebody does not have a permit does not mean they do not have a gun illegally. You could be putting yourself at a false sense of security.


Boring_Garbage3476 t1_j922ep5 wrote

Also keep in mind that no permit is required to keep a gun in your home. Just to carry it in public.


Bowditch357 t1_j923u2n wrote

And even then, that’s just handguns. At 16, you’re allowed to hunt alone with long guns in CT for example.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j92hrzv wrote

>Also, just because somebody does not have a permit does not mean they do not have a gun illegally.

I'm having trouble figuring out who you're talking about here. Like, someone with a fancy federal license (FFL)?


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j91vloz wrote

That's a very valid question.

For starters, I'd use it to determine if I'm ok with my kid being at their house.

If there is another episode, I'd be sure stay away from windows.

Your last statement is a topic for a different day.


squirrell1974 t1_j93imo2 wrote

>For starters, I'd use it to determine if I'm ok with my kid being at their house.

If you're questioning this at all, why would you even consider allowing your child in their house? Firearms aren't the only damaging thing people have access to. Many people do serious damage with no weapon other than what they were born with.

If you think your child would be injured, either physically or emotionally, by exposure to this person, allowing them to go to that person's home is negligence on your part regardless of whether or not they legally own a firearm.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j93kion wrote

Doesn't just apply to this person. Could apply to anyone who possesses a firearm.


squirrell1974 t1_j93m6q8 wrote

Again, what you're saying is that you're only worried about people who possess firearms? That's pretty narrow minded.


AdHistorical7107 OP t1_j93mh9f wrote

Good twist on words.....

Read harder. Or go away. Makes no difference to me, you and your gaslighting...
