
SpinozaTheDamned t1_jdcrpai wrote

Weirdly enough, this isn't your fault. You had suspicions, and you acted on them. In a healthy relationship, spouses should have no issues sharing their communications with others to their SO. Look, it took me a long time to get over this simple truth, but you can't control how other people feel about you, all you can do is react to the information you're given. She made her choices, and there wasn't anything you could have done to prevent it. The only person who had control over this was her.


SpinozaTheDamned t1_jawhqqw wrote

I suspect there's whole departments related to prosecuting cannabis right now. Lawyers are really good at not loosing their jobs, so I think what needs to happen now is make it really difficult to secure a conviction for cannabis. Disincentivize law enforcement from relying on these kinds of convictions as part of their normal jobs, but allow time for everyone to transition away from that role. Then, after cannabis convictions only form a small part of general law enforcement, bring down the legalization hammer and provide retirement packages for any law enforcement and legal staff, purging records of those convicted on that specific crime, and provide states with universal guidelines on regulation when legalizing cannabis.