
SpringChikn85 t1_j6g4wou wrote

"Afraid Grandma would have hated missing out on that Grand Canyon trip you'd always planned but never found the time to go??"

"Well friend, have I got great news for you!"

slaps jar with Grandma's frozen head on the table

"With our new line of 'Timeless Expressions', it'll be like she never left! Just activate our patented A.I. 'Personality Simulator', set it to 'Curmudgeon' and PRESTO, Grandma can take in all those beautiful landscapes with the whole family!"

Disclaimer: 'Timeless Expressions' is not held liable for damage post mortem nor is involved in any witchcraft or demon possession. May not be available in stores.


SpringChikn85 t1_j4ilg95 wrote

I'm closer to 40 than I'd like to admit however, I don't think I'll see it in my lifetime if Singularity is what you mean by "merging". I feel like the possibility will exist much sooner than we're ready to accept and can capably understand the implications behind but we've got a long road ahead before the average morbidly obese citizen chain smoking on a scooter and screaming at their kids in the middle of a grocery store goes full "Lawnmower Man".

We as a species won't attain the proverbial keys to the gate of potential immortality unless we can evolve spiritually and emotionally past cultural gatekeepers like race, religion and gender in order to shed those primitive bonds to allow analytical logic and acceptance that their may be more to life than money, status and coveting what we don't have materially. I believe that once we're truly ready to shed our skin of all the tangible efficacy and trivial bullsh*t then maybe, just maybe we'll be lucky enough to break the 4th wall and peek behind the curtain. As for myself, I'm neither sad nor happy that I won't be there as it's easy to feel apathy for something I have no comparison for. Plus, can you picture all the "whoopsies" and mistakes we'll make frying people's heads off trying to make it work before we get there? Edison blew up hundreds of light bulbs before he got it right.


SpringChikn85 t1_iuad71i wrote

You had me at, "The Specialist". Damn it if I didn't watch that on a loop the summer of my middle school years 😎 if I'm ever in a hurry or in a place where it's chaotic to pee (outside/side of the road/someone banging on the door etc.) I still catch myself quoting "fff***ckkk HoHkAy!!" in my best Antonio Banderas voice like when he's waiting for Sly in the tower 😆 great 90s movie. The "explosive teacup" is still the best yet ridiculous assassination bit ever.