
Stefan_Harper t1_jabb20b wrote

Montreal (STM) has the best run subway system in North America and it costs about 2 billion per year. So let’s use it as an example of value for money.

MTA is about 399km STM is about 70km

MTA has about 500 stations STM has about 60

MTA operates more types of trains, has longer service hours, and runs on older more expensive tracks.

MTA’s budget should be FAR larger.

23 billion for a system that large is fucking embarrassing. And that’s why the stations are embarrassing.

Everyone complains until math gets involved.


Stefan_Harper t1_j5yqxpo wrote

They never consider the depth.

This is not a NYC problem exclusively.

My Métro station in Montreal is four escalators below ground, one of which is the second longest escalator in Canada.

Ottawa just finished the Rideau station, which after DC, has the longest escalator in North America.

It’s a single station with no shopping or arena at the top, and both are like 12 min to ground level.

It’s fucking ridiculous. And that’s just baby subway systems in Canada and they still fuck this up.