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Spdrjay t1_ivjp4fs wrote


This should come in useful when I need to seal up a jar with my telephone screen.


fordfan919 t1_ivjq01c wrote

You get thw bonus high resolution jar label as well


Gernafax t1_ivkku8b wrote

> This Saran Wrap has been engaged for 284 minutes


t3hjs t1_ivjuaoe wrote

If durablr, Stretchable screens would allow us to remove the crease on foldables.

Stretch when storing, rather than creasing.


iamgigglz t1_ivki5fx wrote

Ah! Thank you. I was trying to think of a reason why the world needs a stretchable screen.


Poltras t1_ivktqq4 wrote

Clothes and textiles are going to be the major use case. I’m already seeing a huge amount of backpacks and hard cloth patches with screens in it. This will make it the cloth doesn’t have to be hard and flow easily. This is very cool.


georgeandsam t1_ivl92i5 wrote

Can’t wait to pay to charge my clothes after washing them and drying them!!!


Ttthhasdf t1_ivm7uus wrote

The future is stupid


dreadedgrin t1_ivmzzsb wrote

We can make it worse!

30 second unskippable ads on your underwear


St0neByte t1_ivnezuq wrote

Hacked to display a sudden burst of a shit stain whenever you take your pants off... But you would never notice unless someone tells you.


045675327 t1_ivl8u3v wrote

And we needs screens on our clothes because why again?


Poltras t1_ivl9lbe wrote

Because it’s cool and will change fashion which has stagnated for the last decade(s)? I dunno man, why do people like dyeing their hair? Why do people paint their fingernails or put rings through skin?


Moral_conundrum t1_ivlbguk wrote

I could see multi purpose uniforms that can change the display depending on the users role in whatever they are a part of.


r_a_d_ t1_ivlt9h7 wrote

So I can wear the same clothes multiple days in a row without anyone noticing!


Pantssassin t1_ivkrkvj wrote

It would also apply to having screens built into textiles


SquanchMcSquanchFace t1_ivkyu7a wrote

I can’t wait to watch tv on my king sized blanket


TheTjalian t1_ivme8qp wrote

No but having a screen on your curtains that tell you what time of day it is, what the weather is going to be, and what the traffic is like would be quite helpful.


SpecialNose9325 t1_ivjys1g wrote

Or rather, have this tech evolve to the point where the stretch allows the display to increase from 6" to 9-10" ... where it essentually goes from phone to tablet without any folding or creasing at all.


FlippantMan t1_ivk1ytq wrote

The evolution of the old slide phones.

Have your phone slide into tablet mode.


proxyproxyomega t1_ivk5wjj wrote

or, AR glasses that can display any sized screen or turn any surface into a smart surface.


34209543 t1_ivk7os3 wrote

or, a VR hentai simulator with support for all five senses


SpecialNose9325 t1_ivkl7sz wrote

Looks like you're fully invested in Zuckerbergs vision


proxyproxyomega t1_ivksocn wrote

not Zuck, Apple. Meta is gunning for VR. Apple is pushing AR.


yashdes t1_ivlcsvl wrote

I'm as close to an apple hater without being a hater as you can get but I'm actually really excited to see what apple has to offer for ar/vr glasses. They tend to make user experience very good on their products, even if they have very anti consumer policies, and that's what vr seems to be missing


proxyproxyomega t1_ivlg91p wrote

what makes Apple interesting to keep on eye for AR is that they are on the right track to make it happen. for example, the lidar used for FaceID and iPhone Pro will be used to track the surroundings with accuracy. their development of tiny batteries in AirPod and Watch help make the glasses lighter. custome SoC will allow it to be fast while energy efficient. this is their biggest advantage over other companies.

the only thing that we haven't seen is the transparent lens. there hasn't been any convincing HUD capable display in the market... even Microsoft's Hololens. creating a display that is transparent but provides high contrast even in daylight will be their biggest challenge.


Dr_imfullofshit t1_ivksmmo wrote

Or to include buttons underneath the screen that you actually press. Maybe an actuated grid under the screen so that the "buttons" can move to where the info on the screen is. Like imagine touchscreens in cars where you can actually feel buttons without looking.


gagt04 t1_ivnarf1 wrote

I'm picturing the phone beautifully stretching its UI while the display is being stretched.


Hanjaro31 t1_ivjnk9r wrote

LG's next big moves are in male enlargement pills.


MachineCode86 t1_ivjs10y wrote

This tv is a grower, not a shower


gestalto t1_ivjz4d6 wrote

Well sorrrrry 12" isn't "showy" enough for you!


dandroid126 t1_ivk0fzn wrote

The display industry right now seems to be full of solutions with no problem. I don't really want a flexible, stretchy display, tbh.


WizardlyWardrobe t1_ivkkqcb wrote

So like, I get what you are saying but check this. There are two main types of OLED displays that I use for repairs. Hard and Soft. I hate using hard OLED displays because they break really easily even if the top layer of glass isn't broken. A soft OLED is far less likely to break, even when the top glass is damaged. A flexible and stretchable display like this could mean that your display won't break at all, even if the glass does, so you can still see your screen and use it after it is cracked.


ThisFreakinGuyHere t1_ivnoi3c wrote

Screw glass then if it doesn't need to protect anything, heavy as shit and kills to poke all day. Gimme that soft pillowy smartphone.


HKei t1_ivnpeii wrote

Not shattering doesn‘t mean that it likes getting skin oil all over it or being scratched up.


OuidOuigi t1_ivkovws wrote

You don't want a display that you can't break? Or one you can add to surfaces that are not flat, projector screens, tablet that unrolls, smaller phones, and many other things.


St0neByte t1_ivnfezn wrote

Rolling up a 9 inch phone to the size of an escobar vape and slipping it in your pocket would be so satisfying. The other thing I'm thinking is this could be great for AR tech. I want 3d holograms on glasses yesterday. Can't wait to evolve past looking down at your phone.


madding247 t1_ivki496 wrote

Advertisers do, either way it is pretty cool tech.


TheTjalian t1_ivmf17v wrote

This isn't a product, this is a tech demo. This could very well be the tech that makes foldable phones nice to use rather than watching a crease down a video. Or maybe even a smart bracelet rather than a smart watch. Smart watches are okay and all but their utility is limited due to their size. A smart bracelet could quite easily be 4 or 5 inches wide and wrap around the whole wrist, allowing for a whole variety of applications that are impossible on a smart watch and impractical on a smart phone.

Edit: Or even smart gloves.


Agariculture t1_ivkthme wrote

12” stretched to 14” is a 16.7% stretch not 20%.


SobeSteve t1_ivl2lun wrote

Seems like quite the stretch to call it 20%


VictorHelios1 t1_ivk6twe wrote

So why not just make it 14”? Is LG having a midlife crisis and screen size issues? “It’s 14”!!! Honest!!! Measure again!!!!”


TheTjalian t1_ivmfgcs wrote

Because stretchable screens could eventually mean things like decent foldable phones, smart braclets, smart gloves, or even smaller things like being able to embed screens into fabrics for clothes, curtains or sofas. All things that need flexibility that current screen tech currently cannot do.


Rrraou t1_ivkfl1m wrote

2 inches doesn't seem worth the extra complexity.


xXSpaceturdXx t1_ivkh21a wrote

Every pic I’ve seen of it is all wrinkled up. Now I wonder if it even straightens out properly.


Icy-Length-8725 t1_ivkibsu wrote

This just makes me think of BO2 where Mason has the one device on his forearm and can do a ton with it throughout the campaign (and multiplayer if I remember right?) Seems fitting since 2025 is getting pretty close.


Lord-daddy- t1_ivmca7l wrote

12 to 14 is not 20%? Delete this bullshit, I’m tired of it


fireh0se t1_ivo8ua7 wrote

Solution looking for a problem


Nova17Delta t1_ivke9sf wrote

Thats interesting although can I have a smaller phone again please thank you


Specialist-Bird-4966 t1_ivkm82w wrote

12 inches stretches to 14 inches = 2 extra inches. How is that 20%?


SubtlySubbing t1_ivkoi4x wrote

(14 - 12) / 12 = 2 / 12 = 0.16 ~ 0.2 => 20%

It's just rounding .16 to .2


ZAFJB t1_ivkuges wrote

So not actually 20% at all.


SubtlySubbing t1_ivq8p3u wrote

You know there is a thing call rounding


ZAFJB t1_ivqrv8b wrote

You know there are appropriate contexts in which rounding is acceptable, are contexts in which rounding stupid and wrong.


ToleranceCamper t1_ivko251 wrote

Damn! That’s so awesome and why! But why though? Why does it need to be stretched so much?


EarthIsInOuterSpace t1_ivkombl wrote

This means it is a 14” screen but due to shrinkage it is 12”. My husband should have these problems!


bombandgouge t1_ivkpw88 wrote

Exactly what the consumers have been asking for!


noeagle77 t1_ivkx383 wrote

More of a shower than a grower I see…


Camp_Coffee t1_ivkx91u wrote

Get ready to wear ads yall


rakehellion t1_ivkzux8 wrote

A foldable display that doesn't crease?


Josey85 t1_ivlq2tt wrote

This shower is also a grower. Nice


willpaudio t1_ivltjqw wrote

Can you guys just make OLED panels that don’t have near black banding? Thanks.


kalgary t1_ivm3m0b wrote

Top scientists can't figure out how to record and post video?


[deleted] t1_ivmcvt9 wrote

Can we get to where my tv is a piece of cloth or not!


UrbanFoliage t1_ivmldqn wrote

Give us the phone gloves from orbital children!


reddit_tiger800 t1_ivn1i4o wrote

I imagine the dead pixel count will be significantly higher than normal screens.


trapkoda t1_ivnpm66 wrote

Using a cheaper version of this on clothing would be awesome


nicuramar t1_ivju5ke wrote

Calling it a “display” seems a bit misleading wrt. how people would generally use that word.

But yeah, nice concept.


Star_Towel t1_ivjwgme wrote

Mine can be stratched to an inch 😏


OmegaLiar t1_ivkgcy7 wrote

How do I buy one for my own projects?


wadewad t1_ivkh0ic wrote

that's a stretch


gchaudh2 t1_ivkrvb8 wrote

Every guy will appreciate being able to have 2 extra inches


dustofdeath t1_ivl3whd wrote

If it can stretch, it would likely be quite damage proof if it can just flex instead of rip or crack.

As long as we can deal with scratches, phones would no longer get cracked screens.


PalpitationNo8356 t1_ivl9n7u wrote

Wanna watch ROTS on my dingdong while we have safe sex?


CoverYourMaskHoles t1_ivmf444 wrote

Not going to lie. I would love to play with this… in more ways than one.


THE_HORSE91 t1_ivjt123 wrote

This could be useful to make a room multi functional without having to buy a projector or motorized screen.
