
Stringgeek t1_j2jv4nk wrote

If you paid for the car with a debit or credit card, you can also have them fight to get your money back. I did this myself a while back with a different used car dealer, who did nearly the exact same thing with me. Because of how the dealer phrased everything in their attempt to fight my bank, I not only got all of my money back, but I also wound up still owning the truck.

With the DMV involved, you’ll absolutely want a lawyer, though, ASAP.


Stringgeek t1_j2fb46z wrote

Folks are giving some great suggestions here. Let’s rewind just a bit, though. What do you think your date would like to do? If you’re not sure, that’s ok, but if you do, I recommend using that knowledge to your advantage. (Obviously, it should also be something you would like to do.)

I also suggest if you decide upon an outdoor activity that you make a backup indoor plan in case the weather stinks on the day of your date. Trying to make a change like that at the last minute can add a lot of unnecessary stress for you.

Here’s something that I haven’t seen suggested yet:

Worcester scavenger hunt

There’s a date night option here that’s $20/per person. I’m not sure what your budget will bear, but this could be fun, and would certainly be different than a lot of things you might do. The tickets are good for up to 2 years, so you won’t be out the $$ if the weather is gross.

Also, I have some unsolicited advice. When you go to pick up your date, whatever you decide to do, bring them a flower. Not a whole bouquet, just one flower is enough. It doesn’t matter where you get it, whether it’s from a florist or the grocery store. People in general don’t give flowers anymore, and underestimate the value it will have to your date. The mileage you’ll get from it is wild. Your date will tell everyone they know about it. It also means that if, Dog forbid, something doesn’t go as planned, they’ll still look upon you as potential second date material, should you decide you’d like to go out again.

We’re all rooting for you!


Stringgeek t1_j07h5ml wrote

Yeah cool, treat them as if they’re subhuman and therefore invisible. So classist. They are people just like you, and the vast majority of them aren’t addicts or mentally ill. Even if they were, though, people still have basic human needs to eat, for example, and have warm clothing in the winter.

The sole reason I carry cash around is so that I can give it to homeless people. If we knew each other in meatspace, I would not be friends with you.


Stringgeek t1_j07bnlt wrote

Now I want to go to Andorra and buy some of their famous wool at the place where the sheep actually live. I can order all kinds of wool online and at my LYS, but it’s not the same as buying it where it’s grown. I did that in Iona, Scotland. Afterwards, I went on a short hike and got to see a bunch of the sheep whose fleeces were actually in the yarn I bought, roaming around free on the island. It was heinously touristy, but is one of my favorite memories from that trip.


Stringgeek t1_iyw4gcm wrote

It’s close to $400/month. I’m hybrid 1x/week, so it feels as if I’m out some money there. Also, once I get into South Station, it’s a nightmare to get to where I work on the northern side. It’ll be better time-wise once the GLX has opened completely, but I still haven’t decided what I’ll do at that point. Part of me thinks the smartest way to do it would be to drive to Riverside and take the GL from one end to the other. Work subsidizes the T, but not the commuter rail.

In the meantime I drive, because the expense/time it takes isn’t in my favor. I’m hopeful that will change at some point, because I really hate driving all the way there.