
Strixursus t1_iyce3gk wrote

Yes! Myrtle's awesome, I still remember one time as a kid when she noticed me through the glass and started following me from window to window; she'd come look at me with my hands on the glass (softly! I NEVER banged the glass, I knew it was like having someone clap loudly right next to your ears) then I'd run to the next window, and she followed. Followed me a third the way around the tank before she got distracted by a diver coming in for feeding time, the greedyguts. xD


Strixursus t1_iy76c8q wrote

Luck control!

In other words, the most absolute bullshit broken power in Mutants & Masterminds (supers-themed pen-and-paper tabletop game) if you know how to build it. A friend of mine who absolutely loves the system had built the most broken Minion Master sort who summoned a bunch of super-weak minions (in the form of a murder of crows) that each had Luck Control 1; on its own not super-potent but when enemies are forced to reroll successes and allies allowed to reroll failures en masse, it gets positively silly.