Strixursus t1_iy76c8q wrote
Reply to comment by Novix_47 in [WP] You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once. by Informal_Ad_6157
Luck control!
In other words, the most absolute bullshit broken power in Mutants & Masterminds (supers-themed pen-and-paper tabletop game) if you know how to build it. A friend of mine who absolutely loves the system had built the most broken Minion Master sort who summoned a bunch of super-weak minions (in the form of a murder of crows) that each had Luck Control 1; on its own not super-potent but when enemies are forced to reroll successes and allies allowed to reroll failures en masse, it gets positively silly.
Strixursus t1_iy7103r wrote
Reply to comment by Taolan13 in [WP] You're a 'comically incompetent' supervillain for a group of C-List heroes. They are no real threat to you, so you endure their childish speeches. However, when the heroes raid the civilian business you run on the side and injure your employees, you decide to take yourself seriously for once. by Informal_Ad_6157
Seconded on wanting a link to that thread, I've not seen that particular one and flower language is interesting as fuck.
Strixursus t1_iyce3gk wrote
Reply to comment by IDontReadMyMail in 150 sea turtles saved from the cold. An aquarium in Boston has been treating "cold-stunned" sea turtles stranded on US beaches. by NotACapedCrusader1
Yes! Myrtle's awesome, I still remember one time as a kid when she noticed me through the glass and started following me from window to window; she'd come look at me with my hands on the glass (softly! I NEVER banged the glass, I knew it was like having someone clap loudly right next to your ears) then I'd run to the next window, and she followed. Followed me a third the way around the tank before she got distracted by a diver coming in for feeding time, the greedyguts. xD