
t1_j0wx7en wrote

Reply to comment by in ISBN Deep Dive by

Trying to find out what they used to mean would be almost impossible, many of the publishers don't exist anymore and, even if they do, are unlikely to have records stretching back too far (keep in mind everything was on paper then, and usually done locally...much of that information is gone for good). Not to mention there are older editions and works that had no ID numbers of any kind (I have quite a few myself...they just have the date/publisher name/location).

In terms of converting them, basically it would be guesswork. It's like using old recipes that have measurements like 'drab'...there's no Rosetta stone to say what a drab was in comparison to modern measurements...we just have little clues here and there and take our best, educated guess...but we could be miles off and never know it.

Sorry I can't be more help.


t1_j0wu5gg wrote

'So here's my real question: I have books with spine codes like, "UQ1029" where replacing the letters with 0's doesn't work'

This isn't a question though? What are you asking? Where to find out what older reference numbers mean or...? How to convert them into modern ISBN? Both? Neither?


t1_izzzykz wrote

For the more famous novels even if the books themselves don't have pictures, you can often find fanart of the characters and locations on the internet that might help you get a better handle on things.

Or find one that has a film/tv adaptation, watch that first and then read the book. I did this with the Power of One movie/book when I was a kid. Hated the book at first, but after seeing the film I went back and it was a totally different (and far superior) experience.