
Sugarbean29 OP t1_itm079w wrote

Fair enough. I'm confident I'd recognize most of the popular ones myself, but none quite as quickly as Slave to the Music. Just something about that one for me - the first sound doesn't even really sound a note, but like an instrument taking a breath before breaking into the beat. It's like the song is taking a breath before breaking it down, and that's all I need to know im about to bust a 90s move for the next 4 minutes lmao.

(I'm pretty sure the sound is a drum brush riding a cymbal).


Sugarbean29 OP t1_itlze37 wrote

Wow. That's awesome, thank you for sharing that! Music is so amazing in how it can bring back memories lost.

I don't remember how or where I first heard the song I mentioned in my post, it was just there one day and has never left my [insert choice of music player] ever since. And what's weird is in all these years, no one I've ever met has ever heard (or remembered hearing) it before.