
Sunnyjim333 t1_jd14po4 wrote

There are documented UAPs (the tic tac videos) of things traveling at 50,000 mph and doing right angle turns. Diving into the sea and not making a splash. It's not the USA, Russia is using 50 year old tanks and 80 year old rifles. China just figured out how to make ball point pens. Maybe the Sentinelese?


Sunnyjim333 t1_j7gevlv wrote

Side note, Illinois was experimenting with a cork surface. We drove on some on Interstate 55, it was a smooth ride at the time. This was in 2017.


Sunnyjim333 t1_j7e3l2f wrote

The USA is still a "young" country. We have a poor sense of time here. If a building is 50 years old it is ancient. Sadly we do not build to last. Many old beautiful buildings are torn down for parking lots, mass transit is abysmal. You have to have a car to do any traveling, walking is not possible, stores are too far apart.


Sunnyjim333 t1_j7dlv09 wrote

Lead does not decay very rapidly. It is also soft, you can scratch words onto it. You don't need much to mark a corner. I don't know about the Oregon Trail, but it was used through the ages.


Sunnyjim333 t1_j7dl9vn wrote

There are field bounderies in England that have been the same since the Iron Age. I love looking at old maps and seeing roads that have been there for 160 years (In the USA that is a long time).


Sunnyjim333 t1_j79huqr wrote

In the years 0f 1936-1938 the WPA {Works Progress Administration) initiated a program of transcribing Slave Naritaves. If you search on Internet Archive or AMAZON you can download these for free. There are transcriptions from all the Southern states that were slave holders. Very interesting reading.