
Syllogism19 t1_jdx0qe7 wrote

TIL: This

It seems like if it a system has this option that a clever alley operator could exploit this to add games to bring in casuals to try other bowling games, and hard-core fans of the other versions. I might actually bowl or bowl longer if we could play more than one version of bowling.


Syllogism19 t1_j4surbe wrote

Me and some of my friends were Jean Shepherd fans from repackaged reruns of some of his radio stories which played on KERA public radio in Dallas. I saw the movie right when it came out and was very disappointed that it wasn't a big hit. I wanted everybody to love his work as much as I did.

One of the first things I searched when I got the internet was for Jean Shepherd. But before that I bought all his books and somewhere found some cassettes which were mostly of him reading his books and articles.

Today you can hear tons of his radio shows free.

He was a remarkable performer.


Syllogism19 t1_ixrgxie wrote

Natural gas lines do corrode. I've had Chambers and other brands. All of the lines do corrode over time. In fact that is what does them in eventually and none of ours were ever underwater.

There is also the lack of an oxygen depletion sensor to shut off the pilot light if the flow of gas is interrupted. There is a reason why ventless gas heaters were required to have an oxygen sensor in 1980. Stoves are no different.