
Syn7axError t1_j9icxwg wrote

I don't think it needed Woody or Rex. It needed to feel like the same character. I don't buy that toy Buzz thought he was this guy, and his blocky suit completely clashes with the strangely gritty tech.

Buzz Lightyear of Star Command did this much better.


Syn7axError t1_j29zdk4 wrote

Yeah but they keep adapting the people who had compelling stories. More compelling than their movies. Alan Turing's story happened during World War II. There was plenty of actual drama to go around. They didn't have to make it a soap opera.

I don't care about Abegnale though. That's hilarious, and it only adds to the story.


Syn7axError t1_itx855l wrote

Well, yes. That's what happens when you adapt the one that started it all. It feels unoriginal compared to all the knock-offs. I saw similar complaints about the Northman this year.

But I also think it makes for a better movie. Conan is so much more well-rounded and better-written than anyone imitating him, because he was created as an actual character. The rest are one note clichés.