TPixiewings t1_jdijq6j wrote
Reply to comment by Gwtheyrn in LPT: Running out of Google Drive/Gmail space? Use “older_than:6y” in the search bar and then mass delete. Use “larger:10m” to find every email larger than 10mb and then mass delete. by R961ROP
We also have extra storage that your wife pays for because I ran out in June lol
TPixiewings t1_jcf93yu wrote
Reply to comment by jmstrats in Never been so sad to go home after vacation by livingishardbro
I'll tell him you said hello. I live in PT. I'll just shout it outside. He will hear me.
TPixiewings t1_jb906le wrote
Reply to comment by Sacredgeometry12 in Point Wilson lighthouse by walkinguphills
Agree! I love living here
TPixiewings t1_is7rqt9 wrote
Reply to Port Townsend this evening by BKlounge93
I can see my house from here.
TPixiewings t1_je4ttue wrote
Reply to comment by packetfire in TIL that children born earlier in the academic year have a higher chance of participating in upper echelons of sports or academia. This is known as the Relative Age Effect. by ThatFaultyGamer
I graduated at 16 because I was in kindergarten at 3.5 or something. It was awful being smaller than everyone else.