
Tankisfreemason t1_j5ilipd wrote

The service at Life Pancake House isn’t good. It was decent when it first opened back up compared to Brownstone. One time (and last time) at Brownstone, there was a waitress who was going to every table and saying “It’s my birthday, give me money”. Currently, Life Pancake isn’t that much better than how the service was before. Stopped going there a while back, I take the trip to Edgewater instead to Original Pancake


Tankisfreemason t1_itvjxv8 wrote

What time is the game? There’s a lot of street parking near MSG that becomes free parking after 7pm. Find an open spot that has the 7pm parking at 6:30pm, and hang out in your car for the 30 minutes. If you do this, DO NOT leave your car until 7pm, the NYPD tow trucks will tow your car a minute before 7pm