
Tarcye t1_j13l47h wrote

> What choice do consumers have now besides petrol/diesel?

What choice do consumers have when EV's have an EV tax that is in the 5 figure range?

EV's have gained market share but the price for them has gone up not down. And every single point of data points to the price of EV batteries increasing not decreasing as the materials they need cost more to procure.

When consumers are polled why they don't buy an EV the number 1 issue is price. And price being a problem is forecasted to get worse not better.

Most people don't have the money to buy a $46,000+ EV. Most people can only afford a $25,000-$30,000 car. Low interest rates helped them afford a more expensive vehicle but those days are gone.


Tarcye t1_iy42zs1 wrote

Batteries are nonviable for Aircraft. Weight is serious issue with Aircraft.

Even Current Aircraft have problems with weight. A big part of the reason why Aircraft have to dump fuel before they land is becuese they are too heavy.

And for batteries to be able to power a commercial Aircraft they would need to be much denser. Which contributes to problem #1.

Might be solved decades into the future but for right now nothing is going to be changing when it comes to Aircraft since no viable alternatives are even close to being viable.

Including this Achievement the article is talking about. Since hydrogen has powered aircraft before.


Tarcye t1_ityk40f wrote

Nor have I ever been asked if I wanted to be a part of this beta. or other people too.

Kind of the problem. As someone who rides a motorcycle in the summer months Tesla's are the single biggest danger for me followed by Chevy Suburbans.

IF you ride a motorcycle you are naturally assuming more risks. That's just the way it is. But I've had so many close calls when it comes to Tesla's some with FSD some without, that I've started to adopt a "Get the fuck away" Rule when I see a Tesla.

I will always put another car between myself and a Tesla.