TarikeNimeshab t1_jcyilt4 wrote
Reply to TIL: The Government of Canada has an office that creates coats of arms for Canadian citizens, and that all Canadian Citizens may apply to the Governor General for a coat of arms and even an officially-recognized personal flag by ryguy_1
Vampire: "Aha! You want a code of, aha! arm, eh?"
TarikeNimeshab t1_j9t8tib wrote
Reply to Tips on reading on a foreign language? by Frinnxy
I think Hemingway's books aren't good choices for someone who is new to reading in English. I've been reading books in English for years and I still would have some trouble with those. Beginning with something simpler, especially with books you've read already in your native language. I started with Harry Potter, a lot of fanfiction, and books for children and young adults. Have a good dictionary handy, but don't bother with it much. It'll frustrate you. Try to understand the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases from context first.
TarikeNimeshab t1_j9k2jdu wrote
Reply to LPT Clean out your vacuum by frontpagekek
Not sure if this LPT is any good. After all that effort your vaccum cleaner still sucks. Why bother?
TarikeNimeshab t1_j4vok51 wrote
Reply to TIL the public library in Aarhus, Denmark has a 25-ft 3-ton bronze bell named 'The Gong' that rings every time a baby is born in the city. It is connected to the maternity ward in the local hospital, where mothers can press a button after giving birth to ring The Gong by ergotpoisoning
It would be hell trying to read there.
TarikeNimeshab t1_ixr0azd wrote
Reply to comment by MyNameIsDaveToo in China and the US have plans for nuclear-powered moon bases | Look out, moon. Here comes humanity by chrisdh79
Moon is a piece of rock. So whatever we do to it is no big deal. It's not like there are moon elephants for people to cry about.
TarikeNimeshab t1_jeas7vi wrote
Reply to Pendragon by DJ MacHale is one of the best series I've ever read. by nucleartaco130
I read it a long time ago and enjoyed it a lot. All the different and interesting new worlds we get introduced to in each book were quite fun. I specially remember that game world thing fondly. If you haven't read it before, try Demenata series by Darren Shan. It's YA and has some of that traveling to other worlds thing.