TechJunky1 t1_j6jkroa wrote
Cut it, that stud is there for drywall Backing and not a supporting stud.
Cut it
TechJunky1 t1_j148iyb wrote
Reply to Is there anything I can spray inside my cement mixer to stop clumps sticking to the sides? by wotmate
In the trades you can use a light coat of form release or diesel and that will keep any concrete from sticking to the inside of the tank
TechJunky1 t1_jae802g wrote
Reply to Add additional insulation to walkout basement wall cavity. Good idea? Bad idea? by hoppyending
Do not put insulation there.
With the poly already on the wall you would create a warm spot there and could be trapping any moisture that needs to evaporate.
The walls are a little far off the walls but you will be fine with leaving the drywall on. The air space will actually help a bit as well.
Modern insulation on buildings are leaning to exterior insulation and air gaps inside to create another barrier.
I would leave it as is and board