
TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_jdm174v wrote

Why is populism bad exactly? Switzerland is populist to its core and it does very well. Why is it a good thing that our government in the US no matter what party they are in failing to do things all American want a good thing?


TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_jd9w1an wrote

Wait so you’re saying that there is almost certainly hidden variables? Because every experiment so far has failed to reveal any hidden variables and it really does appear that particular states really do randomly fall within a probability distribution. So yes the past and state of the universe does limit the possible future states but only within the probability distribution.


TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_jd6lujb wrote

Free will or not. I still think we should punish people who do bad things. Also the very concept of “now we can forgive those who do bad things” seems like a decision to me.

I personally am 50/50 on whether free will is real or not. Since QM means there is no determinism in the universe there is a possibility that conscious beings could have some influence over the probabilities. Not saying that is the case but it’s not 100% case closed on free will. If the universe was completely deterministic then yes, but the universe is inherently random


TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_j28r6v3 wrote

100% happens on Reddit and it’s worse than Twitter in that regard. Post an article on FOIA release about gain of function funding post gets removed, mainstream publications alluding to Lab Leak removed.

Honestly I support the vaccines so I don’t like disinformation regarding them. But when it comes to the origins of Covid I hate the censorship


TheBeardofGilgamesh t1_ir7227x wrote

It’s less his technical ability that I question, it’s his advice for designing maintainable code bases. How can someone who has not worked on large code bases or large teams have the experience of trail and error know how well his methods work in practice. It’s like if a person wrote a book on commanding an aircraft carrier yet has no experience in the navy.