
TheBusStop12 t1_j9jjhxy wrote

No it hasn't, just a single report of a once celebrated journalist who has gone of the deep end making up conspiracy theories to stay relevant. Literally no reputable media wanted to publish his "report"

He tried the same bullshit with Syria and was rightfully called out

No one else has been able to verify his claims


TheBusStop12 t1_j9jituz wrote

As stated numerous times in recent years Seymour Hersh has fallen into the deep end of conspiracy theories and making up pure bullshit. As proven already by Bellingcat in 2017 when he was making up pro Russian bullshit in Syria

There's a reason the media ignores it. Show me another source that isn't based on the ranting of a single lunatic trying to stay relevant. No one, and I mean absolutely no one has been able to verify his claims

The pipeline was useless to Russia as it was never going to open again. It was just costing Gazprom tons of money. At least this way they could gage the Wests reaction to sabotage and see what they could get away with. Europe doesn't need Russian gas anymore, it has no purpose as leverage


TheBusStop12 t1_j9j3ih7 wrote

No it wasn't. Maybe stop reading Russian state propaganda.

I challenge you to post some sources that support your claims, and then look for sources that dispute your claims, and then compare which sources are more reputable. This is basic education stuff, we learn this in school


TheBusStop12 t1_j9is1xf wrote

>Try calling Article 5 on something with no proof, you gonna get shut down by other NATO members.

All of NATO came along when the US triggered article 5 after 9/11 to invade Afghanistan without proper proof (everyone nowadays knows it was mostly Saudi Arabian people behind the attack)

If Article 5 is triggered then that's it, members will have to respond in some form. Lest you risk the alliance falling apart. It's built on trust after all.

Luckily members do not throw this around willy nilly, especially where Russia is concerned, and will likely only trigger it if there's substantial proof that Russia crippled critical infrastructure


TheBusStop12 t1_j9ink1t wrote

Denmark and Germany decided against triggering Article 5 after Russia blew up the Nord Stream pipelines.

It all depends on just how critical the infrastructure is to whether you want to risk all out war. It's a balance the attacked country must decide themselves. Same goes for Russia, they know that if they go too far they'll risk too much, so I'm very doubtful they'll damage anything critical


TheBusStop12 t1_j6ly4dp wrote

It would be an even bigger blow to all the values Finland holds dear if they bended to Turkey now and abandoned Sweden. That will only happen if they are 100% certain Turkey will never let Sweden in. It's still election season in Turkey, I can almost guarantee that Erdogan would milk that situation for all it's worth and would make impossible demands from Finland as well. The fact that Erdo said that he wouldn't means less than nothing. It's just not worth it. Both Finland and Sweden can afford to wait until July and let cooler heads prevail


TheBusStop12 t1_j6lxbvt wrote

There's no guarantee that Erdogan won't just make up a new obstacle Finland has to overcome if they tried that. Finland as a nation would rather not be swept up in the political election games for some wannabe dictator and be forced to make unnecessary sacrifices. Best to cut the political bullcrap and just wait until after Turkey has had their elections