TheCarrzilico t1_jan6q0t wrote
Reply to comment by district-of-cholula in Corner stores worth going out of the way for? by BoogerPresley
Good idea adding an even number, keeping the provisions odd.
TheCarrzilico t1_j9xstvh wrote
>Not even been in the 80s
TheCarrzilico t1_j9wjbi9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in A destroyed T-72B Tank placed in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin by Iwamoto
Hmmm...I think the Ukrainians would very much like there to not be a war, but I'm sure you know better.
TheCarrzilico t1_j9wipul wrote
Reply to comment by InferiousX in A destroyed T-72B Tank placed in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin by Iwamoto
TheCarrzilico t1_j1sppj3 wrote
Amazon really blew it with Paper Girls. All I can say is that I've purchased a few Paper Girls TPBs through Amazon, and had Amazon Prime, and the show was already cancelled before I even knew it existed. As bad as targeted advertising is these days, how it could be that I saw no advertisements for it is baffling.
TheCarrzilico t1_j0zemhc wrote
Reply to comment by Stitchee in Anyone know what the figure means next to the # of cars? It’s new, I fear change. by 858
I'm sure that there are people that knew former Secretary of Defense Weinberger and view him in a friendly light, but I don't think the majority of the world view him so favorably. I definitely wouldn't want to be in a metro car with his spectral form.
TheCarrzilico t1_j0z1ioy wrote
Reply to comment by kevin_from_illinois in Anyone know what the figure means next to the # of cars? It’s new, I fear change. by 858
Does none of them mean it's a "g-g-g-g-ghost train"?
TheCarrzilico t1_iy5el6q wrote
Reply to comment by notbob1959 in Randy Smith hoists 203 pounds of machine off the ground. c1970s by MyDogGoldi
I'm beginning to think that the bike weighs thousands of pounds and Randy is superhuman.
TheCarrzilico t1_ixvp0q0 wrote
Reply to comment by throwingtinystills in PsBattle: Xi Jinping vs Japanese PM Fumio Kishida by kenmox
Almost looks like he's wearing lifts. They seem to be popular with short world leaders.
TheCarrzilico t1_iu92xrt wrote
Reply to comment by 1000010100011110 in My oil painting of McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish by NoahVerrier
Artist would have to change the name to McDonald'sFish Delight.
TheCarrzilico t1_it6h2za wrote
Reply to comment by AdventurousSpruce in WHO is the trumpet player outside Gallery Place?? by skyesongs
He's holding a trumpet.
TheCarrzilico t1_irpd4uw wrote
Reply to comment by presque-veux in “The mostly low-income kids in the Eastern High School Marching Band” weird title. by Confident_Low_3900
TheCarrzilico t1_jan7bat wrote
Reply to comment by WuPacalypse in Corner stores worth going out of the way for? by BoogerPresley
Personally I try to avoid all of those places, yeah.
Being informed of how a company treats its employees isn't a bad thing. You can still shop there if you'd like. No one is telling you not to.