TheFiniteThrowAway t1_je7f0wk wrote
Reply to TIL that there is an art installation in Burlington, Vermont that is called the world's tallest filing cabinet. It's name is "File Under So. Co., Waiting for". It was built in 2002 in response to years of delays building the Interstate 189 bypass into downtown Burlington by IAmDavidGurney
What's up fellow citynerd watcher ;)
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_janqe15 wrote
Reply to comment by Marcuse0 in I'm too stupid to understand/analyze "The Stranger" by Camus by baratoyoso
Great post and sums it up well
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_jankqhw wrote
Reply to comment by Lemonadeguy1 in I'm too stupid to understand/analyze "The Stranger" by Camus by baratoyoso
That's fine! After you read it, you came away with what exactly? If I may ask you to provide a sentence or two
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_jalca07 wrote
Reply to comment by WrongDocument in I'm too stupid to understand/analyze "The Stranger" by Camus by baratoyoso
Well, to be specific I don't believe absurdism is as much of a hot topic as it used to be. The book is fine, I'm just saying that it isn't a "must read", in my opinion.
Like, just throwing it out there - I think that Of Mice and Men is a better read. Personal opinion.
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_jal6mpj wrote
In one sense the book was more appropriate for the time it was published, not as much now I think.
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_jadtwag wrote
Reply to comment by jcracken in TIL the legendary story about a janitor who came up with Flamin' Hot Cheetos was a lie. by Station_Emotional
Gotcha. Ok hard to know who to believe in that case, but I suppose the one to take credit could be seeking glory over the person who really did it, totally plausible
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_jadc1oa wrote
Reply to TIL the legendary story about a janitor who came up with Flamin' Hot Cheetos was a lie. by Station_Emotional
The company could possibly be pulling a legal maneuver, by denying his credit. Usually, companies "own" anything developed by employees. I wouldn't put it past them to deny this, to save for potential lawsuit that could develop right?
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_j9zvdh1 wrote
Reply to TIL there's a rock formation in Saudi Arabia about 6 meters high and 9 meters wide, split curiously in half and balanced on two small, natural pedestals. The origin of the Al Naslaa rock formation is unknown. by OccludedFug
This is where prince bojji studied despa arts
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_j73dyac wrote
Reply to comment by ZaddyAtty in Nandor can't catch a break from the other vampires (What we do in the shadows ; by dabamas
It's a fair critique - I don't really keep up with things. I just assumed it wasn't popularly accepted, but it appears I was wrong. It's accurately rated!
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_j72lh1x wrote
Love this show, it's so good and underrated! fairly rated!
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_j69107v wrote
Reply to comment by NoDisintegrationz in Adam Sandler Movies by TomDuBois2002
Spanglish is pretty close in terms of characters, but pdl has PT Anderson so yea
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_j52q59d wrote
Reply to TIL researchers found that the global average temperature from 19,000 to 23,000 years ago was about 46 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s about 11 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius) colder than the global average temperature of the 20th century, per a University of Michigan statement. by Embarrassed-Mouse-49
That's pretty cool
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_j24k43i wrote
Reply to Just re-watched the Raimi Spidey trilogy and SM2 is a delightful joy to watch. by Gamer0607
The costumes, cinematography, script, pacing, and acting - this is the golden age of comic cinema
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_iuk2kxe wrote
Reply to Hallowitch by Katherine_Katherine_
PSA: If you're cold they're cold! Bring your goths inside during colder weather. Lay out a freshly slain goat by the fireplace so they have something familiar to nibble on while they adjust to the new surroundings. Maybe play some Mastodon on low volume
TheFiniteThrowAway t1_jecaxhw wrote
Reply to comment by SerenityNowWow in LPT: Convert normal ketchup bottles to easy squeeze with ease! by Mojojijo
Just takes longer. Squeeze, baby!