
TheGillos t1_jaqbvnf wrote

I'm a self made leach because I don't respect society and I'm not materialistic enough to want much from life. I do as little as I possibly can do. I have a lot of freedom because I just don't give shit about working hard or contributing or much of anything else. I've grown to hate most people and/or see them as sucker slaves. I love my friends and family, I'd do anything to help them short of participating in this gruesome soul sucking mockery of life called "modern society".


TheGillos t1_jan2a8w wrote

Sorry, your healthcare comparatively sucks. Find one of the many articles titled something like "US Health System Ranks Last Among High-Income Countries" to learn more.

It might be working for YOU, and it might not be working for 1 guy in England (who knows his circumstance), but that doesn't mean much to me.

> The remaining 9% need options too, but ripping out something that works pretty well for 91% to accommodate the 9% is not a good strategy.

My point is it's not working for MANY of the 91% and 9% uninsured is a failure anyway... That's 30 million people. I think it's better to put it that way because it doesn't dehumanize them behind a small percent number.


TheGillos t1_jamx7jd wrote

> Try getting that QOS in a socialist system.

I mainly mean this line. You got your good(?) insurance, forget the social safety net!

I just did a quick check "Roughly 30 million Americans of all ages had no health insurance in 2021"... that's a lot. Not to mention the people who have crappy insurance that isn't nearly as good as the free options in other countries.

The US healthcare system suck for everyone except the well-off, which is a seemingly ever-shrinking amount of people.