
TheJanks t1_iwwlcpu wrote

Oh I know.

After plugging in the numbers and taking into account the market right now, I think waiting at least half a year may be smart then revisit.

The neighborhood with new construction was throwing out incentives and looking at 90% drop in home sales, this is not going to get better quickly.


TheJanks t1_iwvvbqz wrote

And that can be a fight. My current mortgage they said they knew all home values went up so I had to buy some kind of appraisal to prove to them that I still paid off 20% of the current house price. They didn’t care anymore if it’s 20% of what you paid more of what it’s worth. You gotta work to get that shit removed.


TheJanks t1_iwvcxsq wrote

I'm so tired of my daughter paying rent, I'm tempted to cosign a loan just to stop seeing money thrown away.

6.5%. ouch.

At least doing the math she can claim all the interest over $13,000 on her taxes and get a refund. $13,000 is a lot - but it's still lower than the amount of rent thrown away. Years down the road when the interest payments will be lower than a deduction, maybe the interest rate will be lower for a refinance.
