
TheLastPirate123 t1_jeeaeri wrote

It's interesting just how invested people got into Cyberpunk, I never thought it looked all that unique. A first person shooter with some Watchdogs-esque features.

It's interesting to hear about the bugs being a problem, Skyrim is one of the buggiest games out there but it's never affected my enjoyment of the game but I saw the way it lagged on PS4 and I remember thinking "holy shit this is abysmal", at the same time they're damned if they do damned if they don't as 1 they'd miss out an alot of money only releasing on next-gen 2 you'd get a large group of people on last-gen complaining and saying they'd rather a laggy game than nothing at all.

I'm also not a fan of preorders, there's two games I've pre-ordered in my life and they were Kingdom Hearts 3 (childhood fan of the franchise and waited years for it so I was happy) and Elden Ring (huge FromSoft fan, love Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro), Elden Ring I was disappointed by but people to this day sing its praises so highly I think basing my purchase on people's reviews would've only made me more let down when I got around to playing the game. I thought FromSoft would never miss and ER was an unfortunate one for me.


TheLastPirate123 t1_jee84of wrote

Ah that's interesting. I didn't follow much of the build-up to the game before it was released as I never really fell for the hype, I've still not fallen into the Keanu Reeves hype in general. What I've heard now is that they've made it a good game, ofcourse games should be functional and work as promised upon release, however I think the work they've put in to fix it somewhat makes up for the initial release - once again I bring it back to No Man's Sky.

I don't view CD as a holy patron saint of gaming or anything, it's just another company but as of right now it's one I have a positive view on as I think they seem to be intent on making good games rather than churning them out.


TheLastPirate123 t1_jedxjw0 wrote

What exactly did they lie about? What promises did they make that aren't in the game? Genuine question.

From how I see it they overpromised because they overestimated how the game would turn out and have since gone out of their way to make the game what they intended it to be. Same goes for No Man's Sky - there's alot that gets cut because of the whim of an incompetent higher-up, there's alot of changes made throughout the process, there's alot that goes into making a game and they've done their best to complete their vision of it since it's disappointing release.


TheLastPirate123 t1_j2b712a wrote

Bloodborne. It was my first Souls game and I died at the first enemy I encountered and said "fuck it, that's ridiculous" because I did so little damage. Turned the game off, and took a year or so to bother putting the game back in. I didn't know at the time these types of games had a learning curve and thought I'd be getting your bog-standard RPG game with next to no difficulty.

Actually giving the game another shot sparked a love for Soulsborne games that I nearly missed out on.