
TheNormalAlternative OP t1_jefyyy4 wrote

Fair enough. But then I hope all of these posts will be removed:

Just seems like either all Trump indictment posts should be removed for being unrelated to NYC (or perhaps all but one) because if we're going to allow half a dozen of these to be posted each day, then why can't we have a megathread to clean it up?


TheNormalAlternative t1_je2eibi wrote

Did you try simply moving to the next car?

Edit: responding to u/ShadownetZero who responded and immediately blocked me like a child

Moving to the next car is literally the most useful thing you can do for yourself. You don't have to interact with the smoker, and therefore avoid getting into a physical altercation. You also remove yourself from an unhealthy and uncomfortable environment.


TheNormalAlternative t1_jc8rec2 wrote

They arent going fast because there is traffic.

They are using their sirens to alert those drivers to get the fuck out of the way.

God help you if someone you know ever needs an ambulance and can't get prompt attention because their silent ambulance is stuck in traffic.


TheNormalAlternative t1_j9kxcmq wrote

First off, the OP is about LaGuardia, and my OC was about the bus to LGA. You've kinda hijacked this thread to make it about the airtrain to JFK without addressing the bus to LGA.

Second off, your numbers are wrong and don't support your argument.

Your 3.5 million ridership estimate (from Wikipedia) is for 2021 and doesn't take into account the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on travel. According to the Port Authority, "AirTrain JFK handled nearly 21 million passengers in 2019."

Your argument was "JFK airtrain simply don't see a lot of use" and that airports with transit connections "see very little ridership on the transit lines." Regardless of whether ridership is 3 million or 21 millions, that's literally millions of people using transit every year, and between 25-50,000 people each day.

Comparing that number to the number of air passengers is a totally inapt comparison. For one thing, that does not take into account air passengers who use JFK as a layover, nor does it take into account how people travel. For example, a family needs to buy flight tickets for children who can ride the MTA for free. Further, not everyone who flies in and out of JFK is coming to or leaving NYC; people from Long Island are probably less likely to use the airtrain, especially if they don't live near the LIRR.

In any event, comparing transit ridership to air passengers would, at most, support a different argument: that transit isn't the primary means of transportation for air passengers, not that it isn't a popular mode.


TheNormalAlternative t1_j9kegub wrote

>No. Well, probably not. MTA doesn't publish stats, but JFK airtrain simply don't see a lot of use.

Color me skeptical of your claim that admittedly isn't backed by stats.

At least anecdotally in my experience, unless I'm landing at like 11pm, anytime I've been on the Q-60, Q-70 or JFK Air Train coming from an airport, it's been a crowded. It's also rare in my experience to board an empty bus to LaGuardia when I get on in either Astoria or Jackson Heights.


TheNormalAlternative t1_j9kdjq4 wrote

When I was a kid, I always found some of those grotesque or extreme anti-smoking ads (like from to be way more effective than some adult lecturing me.

Maybe the MTA should replace all the pre-pandemic wall ads for movies and TV shows that no one wants to watch with PSAs against subway surfing, etc.


TheNormalAlternative t1_j9k94x2 wrote

Plus, JFK and LaGuardia both have flights to many of the same destinations, often priced competitively against each other. I 100% consider my travel burden when picking my airport.

I feel like vehicle transport is mostly for older and disabled people, or alternately, people who don't really mind spending the extra cash on a car in the first place, which is to say, I don't think this "strike" will have much impact.


TheNormalAlternative t1_j9g8f5m wrote

Sorry for your hatred of assumptions, but us common folk only know what moderators choose to make known, directly or indirectly, including responses to modmail and post moderating choices.

I was told via modmail in summer of 2021 that the rule against photos, which were relaxed during the pandemic, would be tightened back up. That never happened. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm on Reddit or Instagram.

Whether a news story makes it to the feed seems to depend on viewpoint more than subject matter. Posts about Alvin Bragg are not permitted, but posts about a stadium in Buffalo are.

In all due respect, my assumptions are not made in a vacuum. They are, IMO, reasonable inferences. If you want to correct a misunderstanding, by all means, but if I see a colorful bird quacking on a lake, I'm going to guess it's a duck.


TheNormalAlternative t1_j9g3p05 wrote

>I'm ashamed to say a comment in the volunteer thread this morning kind of triggered me and I had to reply to it.

Funny how "reply to it" means reply to this thread instead of to the commenter, i.e., me. I hope you realize how pedantic it is to tell someone "not to make assumptions," while also at the same time, keeping your knowledge on the matter yourself.

Anyway, now that I've seen a partial explanation, I both agree and disagree with the facts presented above. It seems petty to remove an active mod for no attending a "training" over the holidays - honestly, requiring trainings in the first place seems like a bit much.

But as a frequent and active user of this sub, I find it annoying that the moderators are trying to "relax the rules" - r/newyorkcity exists for people who don't mind the clutter that comes with a more relaxed set of rules. You say you wanted to "have a discussion" but also admit it became an "argument." Well, did any of the other mods side with your position or were you a lone wolf trying to change rules that exist for a reason? How did it change from a discussion to an argument?

At the end of the day, if you don't "like people who make judgements (and pretentious ones at that) without knowing all the details," then share the details baby.


TheNormalAlternative OP t1_j9g26jy wrote

Reply to comment by Flowofinfo in Weather PSA by TheNormalAlternative

No. I made this post in anticipation of the idiots who will share weather updates this afternoon "OMG LIGHTNING!" "I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS GONNA BE THIS BAD?! WHY DIDNT THEY WARN US?"! and on Thursday when we will inevitably get dozens of posts about the ice.