TheOutlawStarLord t1_j6xvzaj wrote
Reply to Israeli minister calls himself ‘fascist homophobe’ in leaked recording – but says he ‘won’t stone gays’ by Avicennaete
That guy totally takes it in the ass. Just look at him.
TheOutlawStarLord t1_j2853nu wrote
Reply to comment by PoppersOfCorn in If you could observe an object in space while traveling towards it from earth at light speed, would the object appear to be in “fast forward”? by fatandlean
Or crash horribly into it causing a small super nova...
TheOutlawStarLord t1_j1bwpmd wrote
Reply to comment by A40 in Mars' ancient atmosphere may not have had much oxygen after all by pecika
I'll call you in 4 billion years when that pans out.
TheOutlawStarLord t1_j126s06 wrote
Reply to comment by TheOutlawStarLord in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by Octavus
The more you read about the guy, the worse it gets. Dog shit would be insulted if I called him that.
TheOutlawStarLord t1_j12651s wrote
Reply to comment by Randy_Tutelage in Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by Octavus
Humans have been trying out various systems of control for ages. This phenomenon popped up a while back and through the ages has had many forms. The Inciting Pastor being one of the less original, but highly adaptable ones. A high energy person who can engage and inspire a certain, demographic. People who are easily engaged or incited is the polite way of saying it. In this case it is usually about monetary gains, but it can also be about politics or some other form of social power.
I can assure everyone that any "Pastor" engaged in this sort of thing is not really a "man of god". They are a jackal picking at the carcass of simplicity and despair.
TheOutlawStarLord t1_j125a4c wrote
Reply to Brooklyn pastor who was robbed while preaching charged with wire fraud and lying to FBI in unrelated case by Octavus
There is literally a passage that teaches this lesson in his so called good book. He must have skipped a few "chapters".
TheOutlawStarLord t1_j07pv06 wrote
Reply to Question: Martian Mockingbeard by [deleted]
I've got a small plot of land for sale. It is a little swampy and people do tend to go missing on it, but otherwise it is a great bargain.
TheOutlawStarLord t1_izk9f8j wrote
I always wondered why my Kraft Ketchup started tasting like Heinz back in 2015.
TheOutlawStarLord t1_iy6vrbf wrote
TheOutlawStarLord t1_iww18xv wrote
It was cooked off during an interstellar conflict that occurred more than 20k years ago.
TheOutlawStarLord t1_j9ph4i0 wrote
Reply to NASA confirms 1,000lb meteorite slammed into Texas | As good time as any for European Space Agency to announce a 2030 asteoroid-spotting mission by chrisdh79
Breaking: Gov Abbot blames meteor strike in Texas for letting in more illegal immigrants AND shutting down the power grid. Demands Biden personally come and clean up the mess.