
ThePinkKraken t1_jcq2jd0 wrote

So many long replies, I'm loving you all! It's also interesting to see that even in this small comment chain people are already having different opinions on how valuable England was. I'll dig into your comment a bit later, it's a long one and my brain functions with 5% capacity right now.

Shame that nobody has any sources on crochet, but I'm aware it's a very niche topic.


ThePinkKraken t1_jcq1vy3 wrote

>My bad! I meant that in the year 800 several thousands of Scandinavians took over eastern England. They still weren't a lot of them, they exploited rivalries between Anglo-Saxons to succeed.

...This makes so much more sense, I was really impressed by those 800 raiders. :D (In my defence I'm currently a bit ill. )

I appreciate you taking your time for giving me more insight on England and it's history. Thanks a lot, I have a lot to learn it seems!


ThePinkKraken t1_jcobhwa wrote

Wow thank you so much for the summary! I have so many more questions now tho - any pointers where I can learn more about it?

You've made me even more curious now, especially about... everything to be fair. How much influence of those earlier cultures can still be found? Why got it evaded by so many different countries if it's so hard to maintain any influence there?

Am I understanding you right, 800 Scandinavias (thanks for the correction about Vikins!) people were enough to attack and settle down?


ThePinkKraken t1_jcnul1e wrote

I'm hoping someone can help me here. One quite niche topic and one very broad. Looking for good sources on both of them :)

  1. English history
    I've just recently learned that both vikings and Rome went all the way up to the UK. I'm very curious about this time period. Why did they go up there, how was Britain ruled back then, etc? I'm planning on moving to the UK and want to know more about the place, so recommendations about all time periods are welcome.
    Exception: WW1 - present time.

  2. History of crochet
    Now, the more niche question. I love crochet myself and I adore the old patterns, so I'd love to learn more about this craft. There are a lot of variations (irish crochet, Bavarian crochet, jewelry, lace crochet, filet crochet, etc) and I just want to know more. Who came up with the notation? How did it develop over the years, stuff like this. It's my "maybe someone has any pointers if I'm lucky" question :)


ThePinkKraken t1_ix108co wrote

Hello! This may be a bit of an odd question, but: I'm currently 30 years old and looking for a career change. I'd love to so something to help other people, my dream was to create some VR software for elderly people so that they can visit various places, either fantastical or real world. I'm also super curious about building special wheelchairs or prophetic limbs and doing research in those fields. I have no idea how to get started. Studying may not be possible since I also need an income, but with no futher knowledge I can't offer much help, but I'm super willing to learn. Any tips what I could do to get starting? Either way keep being awsome, I'm happy to see people doing good things in this world :)