
TheTowerBard t1_j6ms4m4 wrote

We should hold this kind of empathy and look at the root causes of things for all crime and issues in our society. That said, she still did wrong and that should be addressed in some way. But destroying her life with jail time and heavy fines seems way over the top. Especially in a country where mega corporations and finance firms get away with insane financial crimes daily. The rich constantly cheat on their taxes and simultaneously make sure we don’t have the resources to properly investigate them. This lady and her few thousand dollars are nothing.


TheTowerBard t1_j6jgtw5 wrote

Definitely depends what part of the state you’re in but yeah, Montreal rocks too. And while I agree with the majority of CT being a hellscape, New Haven is one of the few gems in the state. It also has pizza you literally can’t get anywhere else. I know you won’t believe me, but please hit Sally’s Apizza someday and thank me later.


TheTowerBard t1_j6ixecc wrote

"Vermont style" isn't a thing, and if it was, it wouldn't be a good thing. I think a lot of people think Greek style pizza is "VT style" but they are too silly (trying to be nice here...) to give credit where it's do. It may not be my favorite style, but many of us Vermonters owe a thanks to the Greek families that opened pizza spots here.

If they are instead talking about the bland, flavorless, way too much dough style many VT shops do, that's just sad. That's just crappy bland food folks, let's not pretend that's a good thing.

In closing, a drive down 91 for a day/evening out in New Haven is well worth it for the pizza alone.


TheTowerBard t1_j6evt49 wrote

This “article” is embarrassing. There is one source who gives a completely idiotic reason that it can’t be done yet, and they don’t bother to counter it whatsoever or seek other viewpoints. This isn’t journalism, it’s lazy propaganda.

Regardless, ranked choice voting is an incredibly simple concept and anyone arguing otherwise should be called on their obvious BS.


TheTowerBard t1_j6d38m2 wrote

You’ve clearly never worked in a bar run by responsible people. What OP is saying is very true and is often a concern for bartenders. I was one for 20 years, all over the country, and looking out for the well-being of the dumb dumbs on the other side of the bar is part of the gig. You saw that video where the employees pushed everyone outside? That’s a no no. You have to separate the shitbags. If that dude was solo, he goes for a short walk with a bouncer while the bouncer pretends to give a shit about what he’s upset about. Someone else does the same but stays inside with the other crew. This is the basics. You don’t want a brawl out front of your bar, and you definitely don’t want a shooting. Even if you’re not legally liable, you don’t want that reputation unless the establishment is also run by shitbags that behave this way 🤷‍♂️


TheTowerBard t1_j64pi59 wrote

Nah bro... this is a WILD take. He allowed an untrained deputy to be involved in investigating sexual assaults against children. CHILDREN. This isn't like they put a dude on traffic duty who missed that day of training. That guy should never have authority again.

And yeah, of course the incoming guy sounds like a dick too, he's also a cop. In this case, I'd argue he was trying to do the right thing by the community though. The outgoing guy clearly should not be in charge of a Wendy's, let alone a police department.

But yeah... the Arizona thing. It's not right. We need cops who are our neighbors and community members. People that have actual stake in the community they swear to protect. Instead we have a system that rewards bad cops with cushy jobs in rural areas when they fuck up where they are originally from.


TheTowerBard t1_j63trbc wrote

This is a tactic police departments down south have used many times when they don't support an incoming new boss for whatever reason (down there it's usually racism). I'll admit I don't know the specifics of this situation, but it's incredibly deranged that this takes place. These officers swore an oath to that community, not the Sheriff. We need to somehow stop letting police bounce around the country. They need to actually care about the communities they serve. They need to be a part of the communities they serve.


TheTowerBard t1_j63swoz wrote

It's wild that this only scratches the surface of the issues. Also, let's not forget that the Addison Country Sheriff was hit with TWO felony SEXUAL ASSAULT charges, AND THEN his ex-wife went public saying he was violent with her as well. This was also after a long investigation. It's insane that the people of Addison County haven't simply chased him out of town.


TheTowerBard t1_j61rj8x wrote

I had a pretty wild experience a number of years ago in that area at my fathers place. The next morning it was all over the news that there were many reports of UFOs that night. Then later that day the military said they had done a training exercise of some sort. Of course the assumption is that is a cover up. Anyway, who knows 🤷‍♂️

The weird part of my experience was I didn’t see anything. It was a a very loud hum that was almost rattling the house. My dog woke me up barking at the ceiling. We went outside and he was barking up at the sky. The loud droning hum sounded like it was just a few feet above us but it was pitch black. No stars. Eventually the sound slowly moved away towards NH.


TheTowerBard t1_j5z6of7 wrote

That was a period of huge growth throughout the northeast and really the whole country. We had a huge influx of immigrants and we built a lot of stuff real fast.


TheTowerBard t1_j5x2yyp wrote

I didn’t say there wouldn’t be an event, but there will not be a war on American soil. War is only really profitable if we do it somewhere else. There will be MANY isolated events though, unfortunately. It’s very unlikely any of them will be in VT as well.

Please keep in mind that even though those chuds are dumb and violent, they are an extreme minority of our population. The extreme majority of us just want to maintain the status quo (unfortunately, imo). They like to pound their chest and act tough, but they’re not. They are VERY outnumbered and they know it. The only thing they have going for them is the fact that most people are distracted and nonviolent. The only reason that element has so much pull in politics is because our capitalist society keeps everyone too busy to pay attention to what’s going on. We can’t catch up on the news on the weekends either navies sportball is happening. The majority of Americans do not agree with the things the far right believes, but they just aren’t paying attention. It’s appalling how few people actually vote.

And yeah, I hear you. Dude not far from me has a “spay and neuter all liberals” banner on his house. Not sure how calling for genocide isn’t hate speech but here we are. That said, there’s about 20 BLM and Pride flags for every Trump flag in my neighborhood. Those chuds ain’t doing shit.


TheTowerBard t1_j5wzghk wrote

Ah, I read you wrong. Apologies. You’re one of the rare ones whose concerns are actually somewhat grounded in reality. I salute you.

The issue is, we will never see a modern civil war or major conflict here between citizens. No one is coming to your door. What is happening, and what will continue to happen, are isolated domestic terrorist incidents.

And when it comes to defending ourselves from our local military forces… er, uh… police, it’s just not going to happen. That’s why we need to completely rework our approach to policing (which isn’t happening).

The issue I see, and a big part of the reason I feel the way I do about guns is because of the cycle of violence we are stuck in. My sword may not do much against your gun, but your gun isn’t going to do much against a police force, which isn’t going to much against… It’s just ever escalating violence.

We need nonviolent solutions to our problems. Solving them with violence only creates new issues.