
t1_iusdxxe wrote

To your last point, I completely agree. They wildly overestimated anti-Castro sentiment. If it had been successful, it probably would have ended in the backup plan of having the forces retreat into the mountains to launch a gorilla campaign and would have been obvious that the US was involved. It was probably better that it failed.

Kennedy was originally on-board and then started to get concerned with keeping political distance and started making them change the plan. He should have scrapped it all together because instead he got a failure that obviously had the US behind it.

I guess I'm just always surprised how much of a role he had in the mess it was but it mostly gets attributed solely to the CIA.


t1_ius9bf8 wrote

For anyone claiming it was just the CIA blundering or the troops being poorly trained I would recommend giving the Stuff You Should Know episode on The Bay Of Pigs a listen. It is a good episode and goes into a lot of stuff that wasn't revealed until long after.

While it was most likely a bad idea regardless, Kennedy made them change a lot of the plan and made an even bigger mess of it. When he started to get cold feet he should have scrapped it entirely, instead he forced them to make changes that pretty much guaranteed it would fail. It also was blatantly obvious the US was behind it still so he didn't even achieve his goal of trying to politically distance the US from it.


t1_ius8ama wrote

It was mostly Kennedy that prevented the full proper plan from being executed. He changed the landing location, time, and cut the resources and critical parts of the plan. The CIA catches a lot of the blame and they certainly own some of it but Kennedy really made a mess of it.

Stuff You Should Know did an episode on it that is really good.


t1_ius6yvi wrote

It was more complicated than that. Kennedy forced them to completely change their plan. Was it probably a bad idea either way? Sure, but the CIA getting all the blame isn't a fair assessment either.

He could have pulled the plug and instead he turned it into a complete mess after initially being onboard.

Stuff You Should Know did a pretty good episode on it.


t1_iuhum26 wrote

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