
The_E_Trifecta t1_j8wx85a wrote

2 Chicks and a Head Shop in Ozark (near Lamberts). We literally give them away. I think I've got 3 or 4 right now with more expected today and throughout next week.


The_E_Trifecta t1_iv2v4vt wrote

I've been. It was ok. I never saw the same provider for prescriptions but that was ok with me, I know my med management program at this point. What really chapped my ass was my therapist no call/no show to my therapy appointment. No receptionist in the waiting room to even check in with, no one answering phones. The only other people there were patients who couldn't seem to locate their therapist either. When I called later that day to ask about it the receptionist kinda laughed and said my therapist was running late.

Best advice - use them if you need to for the evaluation but DO NOT use them for med management or therapy.

Best wishes to you OP!


The_E_Trifecta t1_iuhl2w7 wrote

You might also look into their average pay program. I hope they still have it. Basically if you've lived at the same address for a year they will average out your payments and you pay the same amount each month. The catch is at the end if you are over the estimate you will have to pay that. When I was on it I would look at my bill each month as in spring and fall I typically paid for more than I used but hot summers and cold winters balanced out my usage.


The_E_Trifecta t1_irw0ccr wrote

Full Octave Coffee in Ozark is who roasts our beans. Hubby met them at Octoberfest last weekend and we've been enjoying their fresh roasted beans this week. We had been searching for a roaster for a minute since our last one moved away.