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notnotpegbundy t1_iv24jje wrote

Please don’t go to Eustasis and continue to like the pockets of the Jain’s. It’s a pill farm. Literally all it is.


lochlainn t1_iv3n2ep wrote

Can confirm, both as a long time patient who was over prescribed, and as someone who knew several employees after their employment there at various other mental health clinics.

What we as the patients see is only half of the shitshow.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv3o3bb wrote

I can only imagine. When I was fighting with them for my Fmla, the guy I was working with literally told me, “I’m so sorry. I can’t work for these people anymore, I will pass along your info to my boss. I hope you get this figured out. I’m so sorry.”


lochlainn t1_iv3ol1u wrote

I was there when 6 employees all walked out within days of each other over the same incident.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv3or46 wrote

Holy. Shit.

I also got told because I smoked cannabis, they would not prescribe be certain things unless they get a clean pee test from me. Which, whatever, but I was made to feel like a druggie for it. Which was the icing on the cake.


lochlainn t1_iv3qfy7 wrote

They aren't the only clinic like that. I'm at another one now that has the same policy, and threatened to drop me if I had alcohol in my system again (gosh, imagine being nervous the night before going to a new psych provider). Thankfully, after they saw I was overprescribed benzos and not drug seeking (I stepped my dosage down on my own), they relaxed that one. Eustasis didn't even warn me about interactions, they just said "take these".

I have a worse story but won't tell for my own privacy. I did feel in danger of being involuntarily committed and worse.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv3qrx0 wrote

Fuck. I am so sorry. Seriously.


lochlainn t1_iv3rwb3 wrote

It's in the far past, now. I left there, got a great therapist and psych PA, and a little known drug that's rarely prescribed and rarely works but turned out to be a great help for me.

So all in all, while I'm not "better" by most definitions, I'm "okay enough" by my own.


_ism_ t1_iv3sbtm wrote

Meanwhile I tell all of my other providers about my cannabis card and they just fucking shrug. Mostly at Mercy but also even at Burrell behavioral. It seems like eustasis is the only place being a dick about it


notnotpegbundy t1_iv5ax8k wrote

My current doc/therapist from mercy, “does it help?” Yes. “Cool. Moving on”


_ism_ t1_iv3sjv6 wrote

I am asking a clarifying question but who are the Jains being referred to? Is this someone's name or a reference to a group of Buddhists


Ok-Concentrate-5086 t1_iv3u04l wrote

That’s the family name. The psychiatrist is Dr. Jain.


nbmft13 t1_iv3wyqo wrote

Dr. Alok Jain, to further specify. He used to work for Cox but was... asked to leave.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv5azik wrote

This is the least surprising thing I’ve heard in a long time.


EquivalentPepper9315 t1_iv2be33 wrote

I went to Eustasis for several months and never saw the same “provider” twice because they use a “shared provider model.” Also, I never saw an MD, only a RN or nurse practitioner, although I think they billed my insurance for MD services. Eustasis is a profit-maximizing operation. Patient care is completely secondary based on my experience.


nbmft13 t1_iv3x3bq wrote

That shared provider model is a disaster. I have never heard of a client of theirs that liked it or felt like they actually had rapport with their providers.


cannamomo t1_iv66yzw wrote

The shared provider model was Mrs. Jains dissertation for her doctorate. They will hold on to that forever because she can't be wrong 😅


WorldFoods t1_iv29bej wrote

I am pretty open minded but had a horrible experience there. The first time I went there, I waited an hour and a half (did a small intake and a drug urine test which I’ve never done before during that time)…then I only had 15 minutes until I absolutely had to go to pick up my daughter in time at the bus stop. So I went and told the receptionist and she said, oh, let me check if someone can see you real quick (I was figuring we would just reschedule). Sure enough, my first time seeing a provider there, she sat me down, looked at my intake, said here’s a medication that I’ve seen work well for people like you, and sent me on my way all in 10 minutes. When I went to actually get the prescription filled, it was a newer medication that my insurance didn’t cover so here I had been on a free sample for a month and had to wean right off it bc it was cost prohibitive (I think it was close to $200 if not more).

The second time I went in, They put me with a different provider who was actually just an RN who was training to become a nurse practitioner. They got around it by calling in someone at the end who I assume was an actual nurse practitioner (I don’t think it was an MD/DO) who asked if I had any questions and okayed the new medication he wanted to give me.

I did not go back. It honestly felt like I was just being corralled through to make them money. Let’s get as many patients through as we can with as many providers as we can (no matter how few qualifications they have). You never see the same person twice and I much prefer the psychiatrist that I see through Burrell telehealth who actually takes time to ask more about me than just looking at a medication list and making a decision of which new one I should try.


ajt575s t1_iv3dl0d wrote

That story about the RN is terrible. They shouldn’t be charging you for services by an unqualified person.


_ism_ t1_iv22k4w wrote

I don't go there but I've heard from friends they are in fact pretty much a capitalistic machine, so not far from a car dealership. They charge for things like emotional support animal letters for your landlord. My Burrell ppl did not charge for that


notnotpegbundy t1_iv24lvo wrote

I was charged for them to fax a single paper over for Fmla.


Seymour---Butz t1_iv3fk63 wrote

That’s not just Eustasis. My last psych doctor charged $100 for paperwork before he just stopped doing it at all and forced patients to send his records to their PCP.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv3g3bf wrote

I know for medical records it’s absolutely ridiculous. But to be charged for a single paper to be faxed is ridiculous, and even my current doctor thought so. Anytime I tell someone I went to Eustasis but don’t anymore, it’s, “thank god.” And those are medical professionals.


Seymour---Butz t1_iv3gbgr wrote

I wasn’t defending Eustasis, per se, but pointing out that there are even shittier psychiatrists with worse policies.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv3gmwx wrote

That’s the reality of mental health help in this area. Doctors just profit off of us who are truly suffering.


internationalkoala00 OP t1_iv22s46 wrote

Yeah my PCP told me to go here and i saw the black, white, and red and went "oh that's super jarring, this is for mental health??"


denisedenise9 t1_iv2ag1w wrote

I asked my therapist about Eustasis for a friend who was going there for help post-trauma. She told me they have a not-so-great reputation in the therapist world.


HiddenGeons t1_iv2ufoy wrote

I am an expert at Eustasis (unfortunately) Go there to get a diagnosis if you genuinely feel that you could have it, and then find a doctor/NP that will actually follow-up with you on the medication.

Getting the diagnosis is often very hard but once you have it, it's easier to keep.


notnotpegbundy t1_iv250d4 wrote

It’s also interesting to note that they were getting severely bad reviews on Google and suddenly, they were getting more positive then bad. Just something for your back pocket.


mb10240 t1_iv5z5r8 wrote

They are currently being sued by a former employee over being unlawfully terminated for raising concerns about the quality of care and overprescribing meds.


kernelpanic789 t1_iv23lyd wrote

Naw, steer clear. I've got some family who've been there a few times.

It's basically the Urgent Care equivalent for mental health. If you can go to your regular doc, and can wait to get in, do so. If you can't wait, then I guess it's good that there are more than 0 options. But I recommend anyone go there as a first option, based on what I've heard.


matteo671 t1_iv47l5w wrote

Good description IMHO. I second this analogy


asahiyuy t1_iv2btfk wrote

Absolutely terrible experience there. I came in with an ADHD and ASD diagnosis from Burrell as well as a being on focalin for 2 years for the ADHD with vast improvements. Was looking for a therapist for coping mechanism help. Repeatedly told I could not have autism or ADHD because of my grade, my sleep issues were from too much caffeine (I guess 1-2 12 oz cans of soda a day is too much in their mind). I gave it 3 visits of being repeatedly asked to justify my experiences before I gave up.


WandererDynamic t1_iv383di wrote

I’ve never heard anything good from people who went there. My friend took her foster (now adopted) son who had know developmental issues and they tried to institutionalize him without her consent. They almost had him out the building before she was even informed.


_ism_ t1_iv242cm wrote

If you're covered at Mercy I believe you can get neuropsych assessment there. My PCP referred me there for my autism assessment.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_iv26yg9 wrote

Yeah, I went through Mercy Neuropsych for my ADHD assessment. It was pretty easy, but it did take almost six months to get an appointment.


internationalkoala00 OP t1_iv2bdfj wrote

Mine would be for ADHD abd autism actually, I'm worried they'll see I'm a woman and go "mmm it's bipolar"


ProgressMom68 t1_iv3g5r2 wrote

Dr. Dionysus at Mercy Neuropsychology is excellent. I was misdiagnosed with type 2 bipolar for years until I went to see her. She diagnosed me as autistic at age 52. She also diagnosed my kiddo (17 at the time) with ADHD.


_ism_ t1_iv3s45u wrote

Seconding Dr Kim Dionysus


ChickenMae t1_iv32hvj wrote

I’m not sure they do autism screening. I was told they don’t but could have been misinformed


morimoriel t1_iv34648 wrote

I was also told they don’t do autism testing for adults.


ProgressMom68 t1_iv3g9us wrote

Unless they stopped, that isn’t true. You may need a referral from a psychiatrist or therapist, but that is where I got diagnosed in 2020z


morimoriel t1_iv6vcei wrote

Yeah I did have a referral from my doctor, I had to call about trying to set it up and they told me they no longer do them for adults and this was about 6 weeks ago


ProgressMom68 t1_iv72s67 wrote

That really, really, really sucks. I’m so sorry about that.


disturbed_beaver t1_iv2d40b wrote

Just beware if you go through mercy they are super backed up. To see a PA is 1-2 months but they can't prescribe ADHD meds so you need to see an MD there and they are booked for 6-9 months, last I checked.


_ism_ t1_iv31veh wrote

The Doctor Who diagnosed me is a woman even younger than myself and she found it in me so you should give her a try


snorlaxatives_69 t1_iv38dt9 wrote

My social worker-ex gf told me horror stories of that place. Said they’re a bunch of pill pushers. She also said that one of the owners’ kids would come into the Cox day care complete zonked out on different pills.


The_E_Trifecta t1_iv2v4vt wrote

I've been. It was ok. I never saw the same provider for prescriptions but that was ok with me, I know my med management program at this point. What really chapped my ass was my therapist no call/no show to my therapy appointment. No receptionist in the waiting room to even check in with, no one answering phones. The only other people there were patients who couldn't seem to locate their therapist either. When I called later that day to ask about it the receptionist kinda laughed and said my therapist was running late.

Best advice - use them if you need to for the evaluation but DO NOT use them for med management or therapy.

Best wishes to you OP!


alisk8_exe t1_iv35xl7 wrote

i did not have a good time there. never saw the person and i always got the feeling they wanted to just shove pills at my problems and send me out the door.


ice-princesss t1_iv3ec0d wrote

I went to bibi health for adhd testing and liked it well enough


Miserable_Figure7876 t1_iv4apbs wrote

I'll join the "Eustasis sucks" chorus here. I started going there when I changed insurance and my old psychiatrist didn't take my new insurance, and it's been crappy. I see a different person every time I go, and I've got a friend with a very bad Eustasis story.

The only reason to go is to get your meds renewed, and that's only to cover you until you can get to a better psychiatrist. I'm currently trying to get a better psychiatrist, but it's a long wait.


fatgraycat85 t1_iv66boy wrote

Don’t go to the wife for your consultation. I’m a woman, please trust me.


internationalkoala00 OP t1_iv6bbvp wrote

Yeah I've decided not to go after this thread, since it's not urgent I'm definitely not going here. Thank you!


notnotpegbundy t1_ivalj5s wrote

Ooo. Why (if you’re comfortable sharing)Because as a woman I’d like to know what she did, because it always trickles down and I’m interested to see if her employees did the same to me


fatgraycat85 t1_ivauomb wrote

I went in for anxiety and depression. I typically prefer a female doctor with every need but this woman on my first visit prescribed me 6-7 different medications, one of which caused a scary side effect that I had never experienced before. I stopped taking the med after a couple of weeks and the side effect continued. I had to stop taking everything and it took a couple of months for the issue to stop. She also just gives off a bad vibe so there’s that. I’m good now and on Wellbutrin prescribed by my pcp.


notnotpegbundy t1_ivauylv wrote

That sounds pretty standard from what my experience was. Terrible .


fatgraycat85 t1_ivawkwh wrote

Why does good mental healthcare have to be so hard to get. Sorry about your experience. If you have insurance, Burrell is a good option.


notnotpegbundy t1_ivawp7g wrote

I go through Concert Health right now via Mercy. It’s a newer program they have. I like it so far! But Burrell is my back up.


karebearfetish t1_iv69qzr wrote

That place is absolutely the worst. You never have the same person to talk to, all the Drs and psych drs and therapists all say the same.. They can do an eval for you but i wouldnt see any of their therapists. At all


madl_bz t1_iv3m1i2 wrote

I went to Burrell for my evals/ diagnosis. They’re great there. It’s hard to get in to a psychiatrist but it’s worth the wait.


Different-Echo3870 t1_iv3z4pa wrote

I’ve had a better experience there than I have other places; been going for a couple of years. The only time I’ve gotten really mad is when they kept telling me I likely have ADHD and I absolutely knew I didn’t. Took the test to shut them up; they had to admit I definitely do not have ADHD.

I have good insurance and am a consistent patient so I’m sure they make a chunk of money off me. I fully realize in my situation that I am privileged to afford medication and that consistency. If it isn’t only the money accounting for my experience, perhaps the stars aligned in my case