
Theo_dore229 t1_je2ospb wrote

Absolutely. My only point was mostly that it’s better to get your foot in the door regardless. While interest rates have definitely made housing prices go up, we have a fundamental shortage of housing. By a significant amount. At this point, even lower interest rates won’t solve that problem. It’s going to require coordinated policy decisions in multiple levels of government. That’s going to take a while to happen.


Theo_dore229 t1_je2nxgg wrote

Not only can you refinance, but current interest rates aren’t even that “high” by historical standards. For better or worse, we’ve been spoiled with low interest rates since they were slashed to zero in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008-2010.

Not currently in the market for a home at the moment, but if I had the money, I definitely wouldn’t be stopped by current interest rates.


Theo_dore229 t1_je265bb wrote

I think people are kind of misunderstanding what OP was trying to ask. There are 100% instances where people test positive for drugs and it’s removed from any report given to the employer. Painkillers, stimulants like adderall, and certain anti-anxiety medications will all show up on drug tests. If you provide a prescription for those medications when you fill out your paperwork prior to the drug test, they cannot reveal to the potential employer that you were taking those medications. It’s a HIPPA violation. On the flip side If someone has no prescriptions for those medications, then it will show that they tested positive for it.

This is what I believe OP is asking. If he has a medical marijuana card, will a positive marijuana result be treated like someone who is prescribed adderall and tests positive for amphetamine, or someone prescribed Vicodin, testing positive for opiates, etc. Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer. But I believe it likely varies quite a bit between employers, as there is no federal law like there is with HIPPA.


Theo_dore229 t1_jdluh7e wrote

I think Newport, RI is definitely somewhere that should be on your list, if you haven’t been there before. I’ve been to Newport numerous times, Portland number our times, and Annapolis numerous times. Newport is definitely my favorite out of the three, it’s not even close. The weather in Portland can also still be unpredictable and potentially shitty this time of year.


Theo_dore229 t1_j9znn7u wrote

Call your garbage pick up company. I know if you live in an area where the garbage pick up is contracted to a private company, they will often schedule a pick up and charge you a fee to dispose of them. At least this is true when I moved a number of years back. If you have regular municipal pick up, call the public works department and see if they have something similar, or could refer you to a local company that does this.


Theo_dore229 t1_j9vi1op wrote

If your planning on working in Nj, moving to Brooklyn or Queens is, to put it bluntly, a really stupid fucking idea. It’s one of the worst ideas you could have. I’m not even going to waste your time trying to give you ways to do that commute, because no one does it if they have a choice. You couldn’t pick a worse place to live if you plan on working in Nj. May I ask what makes you think this is a good idea? Do you not understand that this will likely be a 2 hour commute each way?


Theo_dore229 t1_j9hi7lr wrote

People started driving extra crazy during the pandemic, and unfortunately it hasn’t stopped. I wonder if maybe this has something to do with people that got their licenses around that time, and were able to drive the first year or two without any consequences? Particularly because IMO, traffic enforcement hasn’t seemed to have returned to pre-pandemic levels. It seems to me you’re able to get away with driving like a dick much more easily, and the result of that is, many more people driving like dicks.


Theo_dore229 t1_j9ejrtr wrote

You can’t really do AP, without a car. I live in the area. Sure, you could pull off doing most of your daily errands without a car, and depending on where you live, you could walk to the train. But you wouldn’t be able to even walk to a proper grocery store, and you certainly couldn’t walk to most doctor’s appointments and all that. It also sounds much further than the city than they want to be.


Theo_dore229 t1_j96zhbs wrote

I don’t know if you were technically incorrect. I lived there during 9/11, and I think proportionally it was mentioned as having a higher ‘rate.’ I had thought it was a few more than 5, but I suppose some may have technically had a different residence officially. This was In terms of how many people died in terms of the towns population, and not the actual number or anything. I only say it because this wasn’t the first time I’ve heard this, so it must’ve been said somewhere.


Theo_dore229 t1_j8wehky wrote

That’s not at all true or accurate , nj driver’s licenses have not ever been real id by default. They only began issuing them at all several years ago at the most if I recall correctly. The federal government has routinely pushed back the date to make real ID mandatory for domestic air travel, because many states, not just NJ, had been running behind in the roll out. Then the pandemic came around and made it an even bigger problem for people to get them, and it was pushed back again. I’ve had an NJ drivers license for over 15 years, I don’t currently have a real ID license, and I never have. They are not given out by default in this state.

Edit: to further clarify, since the roll out of real ID in Nj, all drivers licenses either have the real id star, or explicitly say they are not real id.

Perhaps you are confusing Real ID with the points system of ID needed to obtain the license? That was initiated as part of the process that would be required to obtain the Real id, but real id did not itself begin until 2020 or so.