
These_Friendship920 t1_j9s2o21 wrote

I agree - I’m convinced that with a little bit of enforcement drivers would stop treating downtown as some kind of lawless shortcut freeway…OP - this happened to me so frequently I stopped walking through the Hamilton Park / Harismus Cove area altogether because my life just felt too threatened on a daily basis. I take Newark Ave now, which feels slightly safer.


These_Friendship920 t1_iwz9sts wrote

I got hit earlier this week on 7th and Coles. The car actually came to a full stop, so I thought it was safe to cross, but it turned out the driver was stopping to look down at his phone and not check if someone was in the middle of the crosswalk…Walking to and from the path has been the most stressful part of my day, and I found out how common this is on reddit. Is there something we can do as residents for this to be addressed?