
ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja13egr wrote

Bro, please tell me how the fuck can you literally Copy the definition from Wikipedia, but not manage to read the NEXT FUCKING LINE

Usage notesThe term is common in science and social science literature, but is little used by the transgender community and considered offensive by some. GLAAD says the term is primarily used by anti-transgender activists, and recommends synonyms like "being transgender"

Just stop using the Term, there are MILLION different things you can use that aren't used by Transphobes, and with your inability ot read once again, im quite honestly done here


ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja0zm2x wrote

And then i provided you with new information with you could easily verify by a simple look into the one of a million Wiki, or just GOOGLING the phrase.

Also no, its not a word, Bigots and Non Bigots use, its a Word Universally looked down upon in the LGBT Community, and if you really aren't a bigot like you're so hard trying to prove, maybe just stop using it instead of trying to use it so badly.

Also, you said you cannot read Japanese, to me responding to you in plain old English with what the person said in the original games so i figured there might be some sort of barrier :)