
Throwaway_97534 t1_jef695m wrote

I always hoped that things like Google face detection would help with this until all the privacy concerns hit.

Vacationing somewhere? "Hey can you take our picture?" They snap with their own phone and go on their way. You pull it up later via face detection from their Google Photos.

"Hey Google, pull up all the photos that I'm in, from everywhere". Shots of you in the background walking down the street, at the zoo, etc.

Would have been wild.


Throwaway_97534 t1_iu9gtyo wrote

If we were in space at relative rest and there was an earth-mass chunk of dark matter that wandered into our path, does that mean we would suddenly find ourselves falling toward it for seemingly no reason?

I'm assuming we haven't observed dark matter at smaller than galactic scales, but I'm wondering if the current theories and observations allow for smaller amounts as well.

Can we run into planet-sized bits of dark matter just like we can run into planet-sized primordial black holes? One of the theories is that we haven't observed a 9th planet in the solar system that's shepherding trans-neptunian objects because it may actually be a primordial black hole... Could it also be a small bit of dark matter?