TigreBSO t1_ja9fmxg wrote
Why only put it in your coffee if you can brew coffee with red bull instead of water?
TigreBSO t1_ja6ir3z wrote
Reply to TIL there is a machine for cancer diagnosis from your poop noises, called Synthetic Human Acoustic Reproduction Testing, or SHART by chockychockster
We need more TIL like this. Good job OP.
TigreBSO t1_jadd5nh wrote
Reply to Mans best Fiend by wisdompuff
There's a labrador up my street that loves to bark and bang his paws against the gates when i pass by, one fay i was walking my dog and the gate was open. Just to clarify, the lab was big enough to wear an adult size tshirt when it was cold, my dog is roughly the size of a cat, if not a bit smaller. Long story short, the lab came running towards my dog and i just thought 'well shit, guess I'm fucked", but had no time to react, turns out he only wanted to befriend my dog and i almost had a seizure for nothing