TipYourDishwasher t1_iug8xr0 wrote
I can’t guarantee I’ll finish a book of any length in 21 days. I buy on kindle or used, whichever is cheapest. If I buy a physical book, I generally donate it when I’m finished
TipYourDishwasher t1_iu76nrh wrote
A few years ago I bought plain brown paper to wrap gifts because it was cheaper and more recyclable than wrapping paper. I told my family I don’t like the idea of buying something designed to be immediately thrown away. My brother said, “oh man. Wait until you learn about trash bags.”
TipYourDishwasher t1_iu6sasy wrote
Reply to Blind date with a book by Kaisietoo8
I’d love to have a book and not know the title or author until I finish
TipYourDishwasher t1_iu28j7a wrote
Asking for a friend, why is passing on the right a big deal?
TipYourDishwasher t1_itz20tw wrote
Reply to TIL: The famous Alaskan sled dog "Balto" was preserved in taxidermy and is on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio. by alex6219
I knew someone who worked there. They refused to assist me in a Balto heist…
TipYourDishwasher OP t1_itwyqii wrote
Reply to comment by H_Haller in The Sinkhole, Sedona, Arizona [oc] [3024x4032] by TipYourDishwasher
Submitted by TipYourDishwasher t3_ye2wco in EarthPorn
TipYourDishwasher t1_issn1cq wrote
Reply to [OC] Found Golf Balls this Summer by Inigomntoya
Very cool. I worked at a country club from ~2004-2014 and I’d estimate they played 90% Titleist and Nike
TipYourDishwasher t1_iseoiob wrote
Reply to Man plays his saxophone through 9-hour, "very, very complex" brain surgery to remove tumor by BitterFuture
Imagine you needed a tumor removed but couldn’t play an instrument. The doc sits you down. “Im sorry but you’ll need to become a world class cellist before we can remove the tumor.”
TipYourDishwasher t1_irxbgk7 wrote
Reply to comment by Atillion in Roulette simulation: 10'000 players each betting 5'000 times (74% chance of having a negative return ) [OC] by nautilus_red
This is the first time I’ve seen someone call an apostrophe a ceiling comma (languages are weird)
TipYourDishwasher t1_ix0hxoh wrote
Reply to TVLine Performers of the Week: Elizabeth Debicki and Dominic West in 'The Crown' by MarvelsGrantMan136