
ToBeColonizedBy t1_iy37ify wrote

Wilmington was “Hollywood East” for so long. My first on-set experience was Dawson’s Creek down there. Amazing town.

But, yep, it’s all about the money. And the nature of VT is too anti-business and growth to see the big picture.

If I borrow 500k from a financier to make a movie, I have to recoup them regardless if my movie makes $500m or $500.

If I film in GA right now, I get all the money I spend in GA back come tax season, regardless of box office because I created jobs and stimulated the local economy - which pays back my financier and stops me from going bankrupt or getting sued.

In VT, I get nothing back. Regardless of whatever boost the production gives to the economy. So I’m taking 100% financial risk with no safety net below me by filming here.

And it makes sense. There’s no financial benefit for the state government other than bragging rights and civil pride that “that was filmed here.” Skiing stimulates VT economy, not Marvel like it does GA. It’s a money pit to the tax payer.

So, sure, filming a legit Hollywood film (vs the local stuff with no distribution outlet or Hollywood representation) at the Burlington Waterfront or Nectar’s or wherever would be amazing, but I’ll take any waterfront or bar in Quebec or upstate NY first and save my bank account.


ToBeColonizedBy t1_ixzqqps wrote

I am a Hollywood screenwriter, producer, and native Vermonter (Chris Parizo). Also I’m on the selection committee for the Slamdance Film Festival in UT. r/screenwriting has me confirmed as this if anyone wants to check it. Or my IMDb.

I have tried numerous times to get producers to look at VT as a filming hub, and many are interested, but the state government refuses to allow the tax rebates that European countries, New York, and Massachusetts offer.

I literally had someone in the VT senate say to me, “Johnny Depp doesn’t need another tax write off.”

True, but do you know who doesn’t get it? Johnny Depp. Do you know who would? Me. Because I’m bringing 1 million dollar budget films to Vermont that employs and casts locals as crew and cast.

I could, right now, bring three feature film projects to VT. It would create over 100 jobs per film and invigorate local businesses. I’d hire VT ADs, Cinematographers, and artists for set building and costumes… the next day.

If Vermonters want to have the onscreen representation that benefits Vermonters directly, tell your local representative to reinstate the tax incentives we had in the 90’s and to recreate the film commission role.

And even add stipulations that 50% of crew must be VT residents, or must employ local restaurants as caters. The ball is literally in Montpelier’s court on this.

Otherwise, get used to MA, NY, and other countries fleecing us out of the opportunity.

EDIT: I am currently putting together a film that takes place in VT… guess where it’s cheaper to film than here… Sweden.