This is also true for blood vessels in your eye, causing subconjectival bleed (which doesn’t really do much other than look scary as fuck), or any dilated vessels in your abdomen including your aorta if you had an aortic aneurysm. Or if you had one in your brain, it could rupture that way.
Tzanax t1_it0jdvf wrote
Reply to TIL Pressure from a particularly intense cough may cause blood vessels in your anus to rupture by [deleted]
This is also true for blood vessels in your eye, causing subconjectival bleed (which doesn’t really do much other than look scary as fuck), or any dilated vessels in your abdomen including your aorta if you had an aortic aneurysm. Or if you had one in your brain, it could rupture that way.
Sneezing is scary.