
Upbeat_Tailor_9650 t1_iuitcwd wrote

Ya man I got really lucky. Small coffee shop mostly eggs and avocado toast. Boss man is young and driven by wanting to create something good, not bleeding every Penny out of it. Make decent money, four days a week, kitchen closes at 3pm.


Upbeat_Tailor_9650 t1_iufgvmv wrote

Don’t compare yourself to others, and it sounds like you may be depressed and need to talk to someone. That being said, life will take you in strange and unexpected places. I was feeling the exact same way at your age. I was unhappy and spiraling. And met my now wife about a year later. We were very happy from the beginning but I was unhappy with my work. I’m a cook and didn’t like the place I was at. I ended up hopping around for three years until I found something that fit. I don’t make a ton of money, but I make enough to be comfortable and only work 4 days a week. I love where I work and who I work for. I’m not successful by conventional means. But I’m successful in that I’m happy and content with my life. I have a wonderful partner and job, but a bank account that doesn’t reflect that lol. Sorry for rambling, just slow down and enjoy what you can in life and work to change the things you don’t like. We’re still young and have plenty of time to figure it out. Hope that can help in some way.