
Upset_Taste_9309 t1_itghfm7 wrote

You accidentally helped your coworkers from getting pay cuts at the start of a recession and possibly made some allies at work. Good for you! I hope you have the cajones to have their backs in the future. Who knows? Maybe they’ll be impressed with your problem solving skills and consider you for a promotion when the time comes😊


Upset_Taste_9309 t1_isgl9sk wrote

Reddish water…? 🙄 I guess we shouldn’t expect you to know much about periods if you’ve never had one BUT- if a woman invited you to shower with her she probably doesn’t need space “to sort out womanly shit”.

(What does that even mean?)

Ya you f””ked up. And if she sees this this post you’ll be digging a deeper hole. Just fyi


Upset_Taste_9309 t1_iqmloky wrote

Maybe you caught him by surprise but it sounds like he had already decided he wanted to kiss you. Maybe he wanted to make the first move or maybe he was confused because you didn’t kiss him when he asked. Maybe he thought you were kissing him on the cheek like a friend would do. Did you guys talk about it afterwards? About what it meant to you? He might also be confused by you apologizing. Maybe he feels like you regret kissing him. (As in you changed your mind about it) I would talk to him. Just reach out and say you would like to see him again. Regardless of how awkward it got lol