
Urlilpetal t1_jaefth6 wrote

I got a Friday the 13th tattoo there with my best friend and they look completely different, even tho the same design was used, lmao. I guess that’s on me for getting a 13 dollar tattoo but it’s supposed to be Virginia and everyone thinks it’s a piece of pizza hahah.

Also I recently saw a bumper sticker that said “I hate all for one tattoo” and I thought it was really funny but I couldn’t decide if it came from the shop as a joke or some scorned former client made them lol.


Urlilpetal t1_j0rg4bc wrote

This happened to me when I first moved here at boulevard and broad. The walk sign on the crosswalk was broken and I went across anyways and got into a verbal altercation with a couple who almost hit me in the crosswalk. They ended up chasing me through the Exxon parking lot and tried to hit me a second time, then got out and tried to fight me. I’m literally scared to cross there now!!