UtetopiaSS t1_jaehdfx wrote
Reply to TIL Captain America co-creator Jack Kirby was drafted into the U.S. Army during WWII, landing at Omaha Beach in Normandy. When a lieutenant found out he was a comics artist, he made Kirby a scout who would advance into towns and draw reconnaissance maps and pictures, an extremely dangerous duty. by geekteam6
"You can draw comics? Shit then, son, you can draw a map". From cartoonist to cartographer. Military thinking, right there.
Edit: Re-reading my comment, I can't help but read the "quote" in Tommy Lee Jones's voice, and in the movie of this, TLJ is the officer that sends him on his map drawing mission.
UtetopiaSS OP t1_j2b1p6h wrote
Reply to comment by Kesshh in DIY Dog wire run. by UtetopiaSS
I wanted about 30m - 50m worth of run distance. And by doing it point - point - point, like 2 sides of a triangle, it'll give him a nice overlapping area
UtetopiaSS OP t1_j2b1dc6 wrote
Reply to comment by MafiosoStyle in DIY Dog wire run. by UtetopiaSS
You can also get poles that secure into the ground an have a lead off that... but I'm looking at 30m - 50m worth of run distance. We're on 6.5 acres, with a mesh perimeter, but no partitioned yard. He has virtually zero recall (although in training), so if he's 150m away, or heavily distracted by rabbits or trails, he's not coming back. Hence the long run.
UtetopiaSS OP t1_j2aqbap wrote
Reply to comment by jasmith-tech in DIY Dog wire run. by UtetopiaSS
The traveler track is sort of the idea I had in mind for encasing the join. Perhaps a crimped wire loop would serve as how the dog chain was attached to the run, and it pulls inside the track as the dog goes past it. I'd only use that on the section of run where it needs to be supported at Point B, and where there's a directional change.
I've also thought of a gated, spring loaded toggling bracket, but it needs to be spring loaded BOTH ways, because the dog would go back and forth. I'd envision it as V-shaped, so as when the dog went past, it would flick down, and the V would ensnare the wire back into it. The base of the V, or where the hinge is, would be the part thats supported.
I actually did also think of running the wire around the back of the tree, sitting inside a C-shaped steel tubing. That tubing is fixed to the tree, allowing the dog to run around the back of the tree at Point B, but my dog's an idiot and wouldn't go the way i planned.
UtetopiaSS t1_j1n4z5g wrote
Reply to TIL about Saturnalia - a Roman Holiday held between 17 - 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere. by TurboBennett
It's a Saturnalia Miracle!
UtetopiaSS t1_iyxgh19 wrote
Reply to How are we sure that speed of light and other basic constants are really constants on a large cosmological scale of time and space? by The_Dark_Passenger93
I like your thought process on this. A couple of things.
The speed of light will actually vary in different mediums. I can't be bothered looking to find what they are, and how much light's speed is reduced.
Veritasium does a great video about how proving the speed of light isn't really measurable, and that we've only measured light speed in two directions. I'd highly suggest watching it.
UtetopiaSS t1_iyf4sno wrote
Where I work, we have 300ml milk at $1.60, and 600ml milk of the same brand at $1.60
UtetopiaSS t1_iybpmw8 wrote
Reply to TIL Queensbridge Houses is the largest public housing development in the USA. It contains 29 buildings and 3,142 units for 7,000 people. by mankls3
This made me think of the TV series "Good Times" from the 70s. It was a sitcom featuring a black impoverished family living in public housing in Chicago. While never stated in the show, it was implied that they lived in the Cabrini-Green Housing Project, in Chicago. From what I gather, there were 15,000 people living there in 3600 (600, 2000, 1000) apartments. Its mostly been demolished now, though.
UtetopiaSS t1_iy2nl0d wrote
Reply to comment by Izawwlgood in Dogs and humans have been evolving alongside each other for 15,000 years. What other examples of coevolution have species benefited from most? by Evening-Pirate-5948
I actually have a theory that dogs were initially trained to collect sticks and twigs for kindling, and that's why their modern day descendants continue to want to fetch and collect sticks.
UtetopiaSS t1_iwts6zo wrote
Reply to TIL John Batman was the founder of the town that became Melbourne, Australia. And originally he called it "Batmania". There's even a street named after him: Batman Ave. by idiocrites
And there's a train station too.
UtetopiaSS t1_jd4qe9q wrote
Reply to Will using dewalt batteries on Milwaukee affect performance? by BabaBooey17
Buy combo kits that come with the battery and chargers.