
VanSnugglepusstheIII t1_j1f27br wrote

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

If a civilization is advanced enough to manipulate black holes like they are tinker toys and are perceiving a dimension even one higher then the one we can their abilities would seem God like. Notice the capital G.


VanSnugglepusstheIII t1_ixx4l64 wrote

My grandmother read this book to me as a child she read to me way past what is normal lol age wise. We would revisit some books together but this one she said she would never read again and we never did it was so gut wrenchingingly real and so expressive it hurt to relive that pain. She read to me till she died. Less and less for sure as I bacme an adult and we would hit Where the Red Fern Groes once more. We never gave this one another read once was enough.